Cancer as a form of sideshow entertainment...(Sorry, I'm on this weird circus kick lately)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Stephanie going home from the hospital
Hello all once again from the CIO,
Stephanie tells me that she will be released from the hospital today and will be home late this afternoon. So watch this space, she will be posting soon I imagine!
Friday, September 26, 2008
A Note About Twitter Updates
I wanted to mention, if you have not noticed, Stephanie has been able to post her status/updates via Twitter on the right side navigation ----->
She had mentioned that is why she moved it up so it is now 'above the fold' on the page, so it is more visible.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
An Update on Stephanie from the CIO...Part III
An Update on Stephanie from the CIO...Part II
An Update on Stephanie from the CIO...
(A photo of the Big Board from the hospital, if you look closely, you will see 'VOS' on the left hand side, that's our girl, scheduled and checked in (hence the red line through the 11:30...)
I'm not nervous, or worried or anything like that, but I am really, really sick of having to run to the bathroom every 3 minutes! And my head hurts. But, we'll be off in less than a half hour, aiming for a 10:30 or earlier arrival in Mountain View. Cross your fingers for good traffic karma and good parking karma and all those other things.
The anesthesiologist called me last night, and unlike the one from my last surgery, this one seems HUMAN, with an actual personality and sense of humor, so I'm hoping he'll get me hooked up to a hydrating and sedating IV right away.
This is it....I'll Twitter in from the road if I'm bored, otherwise, the next updates will happen while I'm unconscious.
Love y'all.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
This stuff tastes gross!
Surgery Time Change!
Ok then.
I figure, the earlier, the better. And the sooner they hook me up to an IV and I'm not dehydrated, even better-better! Just had a massage. Massage good. Now I'm off to pack and fuss around in my room a bit before giving in to total relaxation until surgery time.
T-minus 26 hours and counting...
Regardless, the important thing is that tomorrow at this time I will be somewhere between here and there, wending my way toward surgery and freedom from this alien nastiness growing inside me. Unfortunately, I'll be dehydrated as hell and undoubtedly very crabby about that, but such is life. It will still be cause for celebration. I'll take the victories I can get.
Monday, September 22, 2008
T minus 50 hours and counting...
No yoga today, as it turns out, due to a slight scheduling snafu, but that actually works out fine, because I woke up with a huge headache. Tension, which undoubtedly would have been helped by the yoga, but I'm perfectly ok with not driving up to Chico and working on it at home. I've got plenty to keep me occupied here...
Otherwise, I'm pleased to report that I have nothing to report. Pain...lots of pain... I think the damned thing knows its days are numbered! Otherwise, just various housekeeping tasks and preparing to pack. Opinion question for anyone down in the Bay Area: Do I want my big long fluffy warm robe, or my shorter lighter robe? If I pack the big one, it practically needs its own suitcase, but I don't want to be cold. Hmm.
Oops, now there is something to report: I got a call back from the doctor's nurse just now, confirming that the surgery will indeed be scheduled as an open laparotomy procedure, which means I will have a longer post-op recovery period (fine, whatever) and will be in the hospital until at least Saturday, perhaps as long as Monday. Fine by me, just make it go away!!!! I'm not sure if the change will affect the actual OR time for the surgery; if open takes longer than lap, or vice versa, since looking through a little tube might well take longer than just slicing me open wide, so that's up in the air too. I'm quite sure the CIO will update everyone as soon as we know. Off to do exciting pre-op tasks like laundry.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Monochrome dogs
This is Winston. He likes to almost knock me over by leaning on me when I pet him.
This is Jasmine. She's quite camera shy but tummy rubs work every time.
Cameras are not for eating.
This is the best size comparison I could get, because I could never get both of them to look at me at the same time. Guess who the alpha dog is?
Demon eyes! But at least I finally got her to look at the camera. She's so cuddly you want to just pick her up and take her home with you!
Sunday! Sunday!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
This is a test of the emergency brodcastng system, this is only a test...
Hello all in Blog-land!
This is Stephanie's appointed Chief Information Officer testing to make sure I have access to the blog to keep you updated from Mountain View, CA when the time comes this coming Wednesday.
Just so you know, at this point I'm planning a pre 1:45pm information blog entry (will be posted probably around 2pm PST detailing any information before her appointment), post 1:45pm entry (probably around 6-7 containing any new information post procedure) & if I have one a post-post 1:45pm entry if there is any new information to report.
Also, those of you on the 'update by email' list, you will get an email around 2-ish as well from me, if you have access to the blog, you should check there too, but I will try to maintain the same information in both places not knowing the overlap, if any...
To keep in the theme, I was looking for the Remarkable Cow, but found a good cat, let me know if there is anything else you need Stephanie ~p
Weekend. Home stretch. Yawn.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Support, and then some
I've been very open about telling our friends and neighbors that I have cancer, put the magnet on my car, you know. Our neighbors have offered us every bit of help and support we could ever need or want, and they're amazing. But that's just our street, right? Today, I'm learning what a small town we live in.
The secretary at the middle school, Meredith, is a sweetheart and has been a great help since we moved in, so of course we told her. Next thing I know, she's offering me her thoughts and prayers and support and offering to look out for Anna if she got upset at school while I was in the hospital. Then we pick up Anna's homework packet, and one of her teachers wrote on the assignment sheet that he'd gone through a similar hard time in his family last year, and wanted to talk to her about it and help her through it.
THEN we get a card in the mail from our local B of A, signed by everyone in the branch, thanking us for our business and expressing their support and good wishes for me getting through this.
Hand written.
I'm just kind of blown away! Not in a bad way, but it's totally surreal.
Anyone got a plastic bubble I can borrow?
But, more steps in the march toward surgery were completed yesterday. Blood given, nails cemented back to my fingers. Major Walmart haul completed, so now I have plenty of flavored bubbly water, low-sugar electrolyte replacing drinks, clear liquid soups, sugar free pudding, jello and popsicles, and a nice collection of bland microwavable comfort-food meals Lloyd can make me with very little fuss once I'm home and able to eat anything. Utterly thrilling stuff, but necessary. And it kept me out of the house and away from the infectious ones.
The pre-admit interview with the hospital told me what to expect pre- and post-surgery. I'll be in the OR for about/at least 3 and 1/2 hours, and in recovery for another two. Doing the math, that means if they start on time at 1:45, I should be in surgery until about 5:15, and in recovery until at least 7:15, so not into a room any time before 7:30 or 8, just after visiting hours are over.
It is probable that I will end up on the 5th floor, East ward. The phone number to that ward is 650-940-7120. Feel free to impersonate a family member if you aren't actually related to me and call for information. They have no idea how many siblings I have. Oh, and the hospital computer systems can not handle hyphenated last names like mine, so my records have it all blurred together as one long, bizarre last name--Maidennamemarriedname. Confusing. (Ask me if you're not sure just how that comes out, because I really don't want to post it up here)
Dad will be visited in the waiting room by the surgeon once he's done with me, and then the phone calls can start while I'm still in recovery, so the word should go out around 6 on how things went. I do, of course, have a plan for phone calls, email and blog updates. Dad and Lloyd will make calls, and my unofficial surgery CIO will help get the word out to everyone via email and a post here on the blog. I guess what's sad about that is that she's had to do the same job for me something like 4 times previously, and we're getting it down to an art!
The oncologist's nurse called me back yesterday to confirm the message I left her, saying that my gut (along with everyone I've talked to) said I wanted to go with the open laparotomy instead of the scope. She says she does have to confirm that with the doc, but it should be fine by him. He did offer me the choice in the first place. So, that was one more final piece settling in place, and should be confirmed for sure-for sure today or Monday. Yay. It's a longer, nastier recovery, but at least I'll have peace of mind that they really did get a good look inside there and remove anything and everything I have no immediate use for.
Today, more yoga-therapy, lunch out with my husband and hopefully some rest this afternoon. I didn't get my nap yesterday, and it definitely made a difference. I think I'm still shocked at how low my energy levels get. Then again, I still haven't got my mind entirely around the fact that I have cancer. Go figure.
Time to go get ready to get relaxed. Namaste.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Germs! Germs!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
"Nothing Scary"
Monday, September 15, 2008
Mammogram Day
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Hippo birdie & 7 elephants!
I have to say--this was one hell of a show. The aerial acts, acrobats and special effects they had were incredible, and the lead clown they had kind of acting as the theme player of the show was actually a great, funny European style clown in the tradition of my own personal clown hero, Olaf. For those who know, you know that I know a thing or two about aerialists and a clown named Olaf.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Circus Day!!!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Toss another bat on the grille, Bob...
The only interesting medical news is that Dr. Dickhead, as I'll call him, the former OB/GYN, finally bothered to call me yesterday. Finally. I had the CT scans on the 2nd, and dear doctor finally called yesterday to tell me he'd seen the results and gee, had I had any luck getting into some financial aid program so I could get some treatment?
There are rare times when I curse my mother and father for raising me so well that I'm unable to express my true feelings in moments like this. I was unfailingly polite, nice, and burned no bridges while telling him that I had sought oncology care in the Bay Area and was approximately 22 steps ahead of him in the entire process by now. I will have to carefully craft a letter explaining to him why I will never come back to see him and his toadlike bedside manner again. Hmm, that's not fair to the toads.
Speaking of toads, which we weren't really, but on a similar theme... In lieu of anything noteworthy to report, and in honor of the impending Halloween season, I offer the following as a cautionary tale to baby bats everywhere:
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Blah Blah Blog
Pre-op phone interviews and lab tests have been figured out. The mondo Costco trip is done. Birthday goodies for a small girl have been purchased at Hot Topic, and just need wrapping. I got a teeny ceramic black cat in the Halloween section at Target and feel fulfilled. (I almost-sort-of collect vintage and vintage-looking Halloween decorations)
And, yes, today is that day that I will never forget. An awful lot of indelible awful memories are etched in my brain from that horrible day 7 years ago, and I've had a chance to share some of that with the kids, as they grow older and understand.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Nothing, in the good way.
I'm mainly focusing on getting all those chickens in a row; the nuts and bolts of where I will stay down in the Bay Area the night before surgery, trying to get things organized both inside my head and inside my house for after surgery, all of that stuff. Not having to be in pain 24/7 makes it a lot easier to get some of those things done!
The only hard part is making myself do the boring stuff when I'd rather use my new, liberating, pain-free periods to do fun things like play with yarn. Then again, I can't go off for surgery and leave all these un-wound skeins scattered all over my work desk, now can I? We have a little girl's birthday this weekend to get ready for too.
The little girl is very, very anxious and nervous about all of this. We're being 100% open and honest about things and encouraging lots of questions, and keeping the kids updated on all the new progress and explaining it as we go, but each of them processes things in a different way, and this is very scary for her. I'm trying to work on ways to help her work through her fears and anxiety and I welcome suggestions.
I've already told her that if she needs to talk or ask questions--which she should do lots of, and not bottle anything up--that even if I'm not available because I'm at the hospital or something, and she doesn't want to talk to her Dad about it, she can always call her grandma, and even her mom, but she can also call her big sister, MY mom, and my auntie too. I'm trying to give her tools...and it was just great, perfect timing that her big sister called minutes after we'd been talking about this all, so I put her on the phone for a little bit. She seemed to feel much, much better afterward.
I'm trying to make it clear to all the kids that their dad and I need their help to get through this, that it's a team sport, and I'm trying to think of ways to enlist them a bit more actively in the process.
I want to come up with some sort of "jobs" for lack of a better word that each of them could do as a concrete part of the effort to get me well. All three were great, and really helpful after my surgery in March, carrying things for me, getting me ice, whatever. The little one was home from school a couple days then (I forget why, but I think part of it was worrying about me disguised as illness) and she spent the first several days of my return home up in bed with me watching movies and "getting" random things for me. I've already told her that I really need her to take good care of herself, and make sure she's getting the support she needs through this, because I really need her to be there to support me and help take care of me.
This recovery, especially if it's an open surgery, is going to be much longer, much harder, and psychologically much more complex for all of us. I think everyone's going to do better if they have some defined roles to play in the process.
Keep 'em coming, please. Pretty please.
All the moms out there have lots of experience that I could really use right now.
I'm also going to be starting a list along the sidebar over there ---> that was inspired by a funny conversation with Mom back when my baby cousin was injured. We joked that we should write a book or something about "Things (that your mother would approve of) To Do In Bed."
Please post your ideas to be added to that list too!
See, everyone has to help.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Some News Is Good News!
The oncology visit yesterday was very nice. Great doctor, nice staff, seems like I'm in good hands. His preliminary* staging is that the tumor is a Stage 1B1 tumor, at about 3 cm+ in size. At this stage, it is entirely operable, through what is called a radical trachelectomy, which is a removal of the entire cervix, as well as a portion of the upper vaginal canal and the perimetrium tissues surrounding the cervix, to allow him to get at the pelvic lymph nodes and get those boogers out too.
*preliminary is the best we're going to get until after surgery, but I'll take it
At this stage, Dr. Pisani says that the odds of the lymph nodes being involved is only about 15%--not bad at all--but let's get those while we're in there, shall we? (Hell, is there anything else extraneous he can pull while he's there?) Generally, there is no need for either radiation or chemo after this type of deal unless pathology finds that there is a significant lymph node involvement, or some other bizarre distant metastasis. That said, my handy-dandy cancer reference book gives the projected 5 year survival rate for this stage at 70-95%, and those are pretty decent odds.
Surgery is being scheduled. Dr. Pisani says that he will have his partner, Dr. Chen, assist during my procedure, so their team and the hospital are coordinating to see how soon they can get me in an OR. Meantime, I will be doing things like getting a mammogram, just to be on the safe side, cutting NSAIDs and caffeine and such out of my life again, getting set up for some private yoga instruction and otherwise trying to get things in order and ready.
The hope is that this will be entirely laparoscopic, with a 1-2 night hospital stay. There is a chance it could require a laparotomy bikini cut, which would increase the hospital stay by a day or two. During the surgery, he'll place stents in both ureters, which will stay in place until well after surgery and he'll remove those in his office later. I may be on a catheter for many days, or even up to two weeks afterwards, but catheters don't bother me, especially if it did end up being an open surgery--hell, the fewer times I have to get up the better, and we all know how often I have to get up to pee!
Again, lots of this stuff will be determined in the OR, so no way to tell now if I'll have an easy lap recovery, or be looking at a full 8-week downtime from open surgery, but I know what I'm getting into either way.
The one thing Dr. Pisani can't explain is the pain I'm in. He says it is rare for this size tumor in this place to cause pain like I'm feeling, but at least he believes me that I am in pain, and is willing to do something about it. Trust me, it's there.
The other good news of the day is that El Camino Hospital has a very nice cancer center, which actually has a concierge. Apparently, her job is to help you coordinate all of the moving pieces to your treatment, find resources and support services, etc, etc. She is very nice, sent me home with a giant pile of reading material and such, and seems like she'll be a valuable source as we move through all of this. It's a very nice place, and I came out of the entire visit feeling like I'd had a weight lifted off me.
I mean, this is me we're talking about... tell me "you have cancer, sit and wait and someone will get back to you someday, they're busy" and I turn into a blathering wreck. Sit me down and speak to me as if I DO have a brain and spent many years working around doctors and FDA documents and very smart people, and speak in concrete medical terms with lots of big words, give me an idea of where I stand and tell me what to DO about it, and tell me I might be able to have cool-o new robotic surgery, and I'm a happy person. I understand things like informed consent forms and treatment protocols!
Psychologically, for someone like me, it's actually useful to make me feel like I am an active participant in the entire process, instead of just patting me on the head like a slightly slow 2-year-old.
So, the next big news will come when we find out when surgery will be, but I have lots of things to do to prepare now, "homework" of sorts, and a great reduction in that crushing sense of dread of the unknown. We're in familiar territory now... I'm even already planning my survival-slash-victory tattoo. {insert evil laugh here}
I feel like I'm forgetting something, but I forget what it, that's probably it. I think now, finally, I'm going to be able to come to terms with my new identity as a CANCER PATIENT and I'm devoting today to relaxing and figuring out what that means, and marshalling my resources. Lots to consider and still a scary road ahead, BUT I feel like I at least have a map or something now.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Watch This Space --------->
And then there are the times when I feel utterly normal and could forget I had the damned thing. They are brief, fleeting times, but they do exist.
Anyway, we're off around 11, and no idea when we'll be back-sometime after the 3 pm appointment is done, fighting our way back up 237 at rush hour, making our way to Hayward for dinner (if it kills me, I am eating dinner in Hayward!!!!!!!!!!!!), fighting rush hour across the bridge up in Benicia, and fighting rush hours up 80 until we hit 113. Lloyd thinks 10 pm, I'm leaning more toward 8:30, so we'll see. If it takes until 10, I will not be pleased.
Luckily, we have three very capable kids around these days, and some wonderful neighbors backing us up, so I don't feel like I have to worry about things here at all.
Since I have no idea what I'll learn at this visit today, and how earth-shaking it is, and how soon I'll be back in front of a computer to post it, I've moved the Twitter feed up to the top of the page. If there is anything earth-shaking to report, like a surgery date or something, I'll Twitter it in from the road. Or, if I just get bored. Damn, I love technology!
All I gotta say is that I really hope this visit gives me some concrete, useful information, like when surgery will be, what kind of treatment to expect afterward, some approximation of how bad this booger is, stuff like that. SOMETHING that I can use to show some sort of progress. I think that hope is why I'm so antsy. I'm ready to be done now.
I'd post another catbox picture, but it would look suspiciously like the first one, even if it is another day. Maybe I should keep a scoreboard. So far, since I've paid attention this week, it's Oz 3, Oliver 1, Gracie 0. Poor Emma doesn't try very hard.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
All Quiet On the Western Front
I have to spend some time somewhere in the day gathering materials to take with me to the oncologist tomorrow, and helping get things ready for the children so they can handle things while we're gone tomorrow, but none of that needs to be addressed anywhere near this early in the morning. I'm going to savor this part, where everyone else is either still asleep or doing a good job of faking it.
And just for the record, I'm allowed to hate it when my mother is right.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Paradise, Good News & Bad News
First of all, I discovered all that the Feather River Cancer Center has to offer. I may be able to do some of my post-op therapies there, be it radiation, chemo or both. They have an affiliation with Loma Linda and have a radiation thingamabob that's the absolute state of the art, no one else has one, blah blah. They have nutritionist support and massage available when you get treatment there. They have a healing garden with a burbling stream and waterfalls that I'm quite fond of already, a giant tank full of some of the most colorful, beautiful freshwater tropical fish I've ever seen, and the bonus of being located up on the mountain ridge, underneath towering pines.
Most importantly, they have Shelley, who is a social worker there. Lloyd found her through some combination of phone calls, and she worked some sort of magic that signed me up for full-scope Medi-Cal coverage for the duration of my cancer treatment, through the federally funded Breast & Cervical Cancer Treatment Program, aka BCCTP.
This is phenomenal news. Now, not every doctor I'm going to be working with takes Medi-Cal, and not every single thing that may need to get done to me is necessarily going to be covered, BUT it seems that a very, very large percentage of it is.
At this point, I'm still learning about the program, and trying to figure out just what it will mean to get "full scope Medi-Cal" during this treatment. As far as I can figure, if full-scope Medi-Cal normally covers it, I get it...and full-scope covers things like dental work. THAT is intriguing! Hell, if I'm already going through cancer therapy, what's a little major jaw excavation, right? We shall see. All in all, I think I'm still stunned that such a miracle of financial aid exists, and more than a little suspicious that it's all a big hoax, or we just misunderstood, and I'm waiting for someone to pull the rug out from under me.
The bad news to report over the last few days is that frankly, I feel like hell. Or worse. I had to promise myself last night that I would write that on here today. When I started this, it was to keep all y'all informed on my real progress, not just write some faux-pithy cancer travelogue.
So, here it is: I feel TERRIBLE. I am having moderate to severe cramping, and this achingburningstabbingthrobbing pain across the lowest part of my back that is so severe it wakes me up in the night and in the morning.
Until I see the oncologist on Monday, I really don't have any pain management plan in place, meaning no meds, so until then I'm gobbling advil and aleve and hoping not to eat a hole in my stomach. And sleeping a lot...a lot more than I want to be sleeping. I feel guilty for deserting everyone.
I shouldn't feel guilty--Scout mentioned the joke gravestone inscription (we can't remember where we've seen it--Disneyland?) that says "See, I told you I was sick." I have a good reason for feeling like utter crap, but still with the guilt.
And, while my Medi-Cal news should have made me giddy with joy, for some reason I've been unexplainably deeply sad and depressed ever since yesterday afternoon. Sad, near tears, bleh. I have no idea why, maybe just because I'm in so much pain and because I'm tired of being in pain!
So, that is the unvarnished truthful report of how I am doing as of today. Cancer is not any fun, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Scout passed along Megan's "Fuck Cancer" coffee mug, and I am deeply honored. She pulled it off, and so will I...I just have to accept that I'm allowed to hate it along the way. Hopefully today is going to be a day of resting and returning email and nothing more stressful than that.
Friday, September 5, 2008
The Catbox
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Today, we are hopeful. Some serious digging and phone calling has been done, and it SEEMS that I'm going to be covered by a government program affliliated with Medi-Cal, just for the treatment of breast or cervical cancer.
Tomorrow, we have to drive up to Paradise to meet a nice woman at the cancer center there, who will get all of my paperwork processed, and hopefully have an indentification number for treatment by mid-afternoon.
We're still not sure exactly which parts of doctor bills and post-surgery treatments would be covered under the program, but it SEEMS that the entire hospital bill would be covered at 100%.
I count no chickens until they are hatched, but right now it appears I should be on a fast track to getting some of this chaos paid for. We'll be getting up early and heading out and hoping for the best. By getting all of this processed tomorrow, thanks to this wonderful person at Feather River Hospital's cancer center, some of my oncology visit on Monday could be covered.
Yay for progress! Had a great visit, and my favorite guitar player left this morning, after he and I completed our de riguer ritual visit to the local diner for a giant, greasy breakfast. Unfortunately, the pain has been pretty horrible today, but help is on the horizon...
I've also been getting lots of emails, and to all of you, thank you, I love you, and I'm working on writing you back just as soon as I can.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Filing Accomplished
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Scanned. And tired.
My very large pile of CT, ultrasound & x-ray films and I will be heading down to the Bay Area on Monday for our first consultation with the oncologist. I won't have time to do any visiting on this trip, since we'll be going down and back in one day, trying to get home to the kids. (It's going to be about a 3 hour+ drive, for those who don't know) I'm sure I'll have a chance to see folks on future visits, but this one will probably be in and out.
So, that's the next step. Until it's time for that appointment, we'll be working on the financial aid side of things, trying to get me enrolled in a program that might actually help offset some of the costs of this monster. We'll see. One step at a time. Right now I am just tired. Tired, tired, tired.
Does anyone else out there use Twitter? I've signed up for it and I'm trying to figure out how it works, so if you do it, let me know.
Look at me, learning to use the internet again. I'm well on my way to being almost as much of a geek as I used to be. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.
Quick, like a bunny!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Getting My Chickens In A Row
Today is all about getting organized! My desk is so overpopulated with coupons and sale ads and takeout menus and office supplies and kids school forms that I can't handle it anymore, and I need to make space for my glorious new career as a cancer patient. Having Cancer (caps intended) is a very busy job, it appears. There is a lot of paperwork and research and material to be organized and tracked and figured out, and I will not get through the ookier parts of it if I don't take the time now while I'm still able to get all this crap filed and sorted and organized so I can keep all of the Having Cancer materials properly organized.
Anyone who knew me before, oh, say 7th grade, would never have dreamed I could grow up to be this anal retentive. Trust me, ask my mother, you'll see.
Physically, I feel far less icky than yesterday, which is nice. I'll have to drink some nasty evil barium suspension tonight to get ready for tomorrow's CT scan, so I need to enjoy my day as much as possible.So, that leaves me organizing life and preparing for a visit tomorrow from my oldest friend in the world, and all-time favorite neato coolo guitar player in the known universe. (And probably some unknown ones too.)
Oh, and I almost forgot. Y'all might have figured out by now that I love the art and humor of Sandra Boynton. When surfing her website and shamelessly stealing things to put on my blog, I found the coolest jewelry in the world. I was about to race out and order myself a hanging cat necklace or a guardian hippo necklace until I saw the prices, but I thought others might be as entertained looking at them as I was. They are way cute. Maybe I'll get a friendly beast tattoo when this is all over or something.