I myself haven't been up to too many chores lately. I've been getting better at listening to what my body wants along the recovery path, but the last few days, all it's wanted is rest. There's been significant pain lately, right along the incision line and just above and below it, with lots of swelling in the pubic area. Some sort of nerve endings are working on something in there, and it's not any fun at all while they do it. I've been napping almost every day (much to the delight of two gray kittycats), not pushing myself too far while still being somewhat up and active most of the day, and yet still have days like this where all I feel like doing is going back to bed for a month. It's really frustrating and discouraging.
It feels like I've made precisely zero progress sometimes...
And yet, as usual, I don't LOOK sick. Right? Right.
Then again, the way today is going, I might not have to worry, because we might blow away to Oz. The winds we get up here at this end of the state boggle my mind. And this is just a windy day in the spring--it's nothing at all compared to the winds we get during some of the winter storms. I feel pretty sorry for the organizers of Kite Day up in Chico today. Aimee kindly invited us to join her over there this afternoon, but our plans at home intervened. I'm afraid that if the winds in Chico are anything like they are here, all the kites are either going to snap in the wind, or tangle into one giant ball in the sky. Brings on an interesting mental picture don't it?
Let's see, I've been doing lots of my indoor gardening, fussing with houseplants, lately. I genuinely love being in a house full of plants, so it's a rewarding new hobby. I'm reading up, learning what the ones I already have are and finding interesting new ones. It's also brought back funky memories of plants we had when I was a kid and Mom did lots of indoor gardening, back in the days BC--before cats. Finding Gracie-proof places to put plants has turned into a fun game for both me and Gracie. As much as I want to kill her when she gets into them, it's actually pretty funny watching her try to figure out how to get to them. The wheels turning in her head are quite visible.
Oh, and after some delays, I finally get my dental treatment started on Thursday. First the icky molar in the back gets extracted, then Friday is a post-op of a sort, and Monday I get the stitches removed. I've never had something like that take three visits before, but ok. It's just a lot of driving up to Paradise, but I already committed to that, so it's alright.
Oh yes, we are unfortuately dealing with one other medical problem in the house besides mine. My gorgeous baby girl dog is having a foot problem. We THINK it's an osteoarthritic-aging thing, where she's just getting stiff and sore. She's really favoring one front foot, and limping like crazy, BUT, of course it doesn't really prevent her from doing anything she really wants to do. If it did, then I'd be worried, but she goes and goes just like normal. What concerns me is how she'll sit and pant as if in pain afterward, and favor that paw. So, she's now on special (read: EXPENSIVE) doggie food for joints and a doggie version of motrin for the inflammation and pain, and we're hoping that after a period of time on both of those, she'll show some distinct improvement. It's the waiting that's driving me buggy. I want her better NOW. Well, it all just means that she's even more spoiled than she was before. I see Doggy Steps in my future. Anything for my girl.
I think that's about it from our windy part of the world. I guess I've stalled long enough, and I certainly don't have anything else interesting to say. I need to find the energy to drag myself up to the shower so then I can drag myself back downstairs to find something to do. It will probably involve yarn. It's been far too long since I did any serious knitting, and I'm working on getting my fingers nimbled back up. Off I go.
PS: Movie review-- Bolt is funny. Quite funny. The hamster in Bolt is funnier than shit. Seriously. Rhino is my new hero.