OOOOOOK, I really stepped in it this time.
When I got my CT results, I was in a hurry, and very hurriedly emailed them to the folks closest to me - you know, Mom, Dad, etc., - and somehow in my fucked-up (yet amazingly tumor-free!) brain I thought I had also posted them to the blog.
It took me until
right now to figure out that I hadn't.
Oh, I am SO sorry!!!! I know that I have a huge group of incredible, supportive people out there who go to this blog for all the update - as it should be - and I really screwed up. I've been skipping along, la-di-da, thinking I had informed everyone, right on schedule, and by NO means do I want to imply that anyone is less important than anyone else. I just screwed up, and I feel horrible about it!
What has happened is what I described as scenario C on my blog entry below. The topotecan chemo drug apparently did shit to the tumor nodules, and the little fuckers decided to grow some. I guess they liked it & thought it was yummy.
The largest nodule is still ridiculously small, as far as I'm concerned. But, it's 18mm, and it's neighbor is 14mm.
It's not little enough for Dr. Mazj. He is very unhappy with the little shits. He's changed my chemo treatment again, which means that I am on two drugs again - Cisplatin, which was my very first chemo drug, way back when; and something new called Gemzar. I will have chemo two weeks on and 1 week off, starting next Monday. It was s'posed to start yesterday, but I am really god-awful sick with some horror show virus that brings the biggest, full-mouth cold sores you have ever seen.
The sessions with Cisplatin are going to be very long, all day affairs, but in some, where I get Gemzar alone, it will be a pretty short. I'm a little confused as to which is which, but I'm sure I'll figure it out along the way.
And I think in some sessions I get both. And apparently, the day after each chemo session, I will be getting some Neulasta (white cell booster) and a red cell booster in the form of either Procrit or Ferrlecit. I still have some questions about that.
Dr. Mazj also wants me to consider some clinical trials. Having been a trial patient in the past, i know what kind of chaos it is. But, I will give them full consideration like I said I would. At least I know what to look for in the trial paperwork.
I'm keeping one thing very much in mind: This news could have been much, much, much worse. It's not great, but it could have been MUCH worse.
SO!! All of that being said.... As I mentioned, I'm sick. I've got the virus with the cold sores, and a few slight on and off fevers. I've got something nasty in my chest which involves multicolored goop, for which I've been ordered on to antibiotics. AND, apparently one or two types of blood counts are low, and Dr. Mazj is NOT pleased, so for once, instead of just taking my blood, they're actually going to give me some.
I went up today for a quick draw so they could do the type and cross required for a transfusion, I'm all labeled now, and I'm to be there at the hospital tomorrow at 9 am for a five-hour transfusion. Doesn't that sound like fun? Whee! I guess I'll get in some good reading or napping time!
And speaking of napping, I am very late getting started on THAT today too, so off I go. I think I've caught up here, and I am truly sorry for the omission. My body says it's time to rest now....