Monday, September 1, 2008

Getting My Chickens In A Row

Only one duck. And a dog.

Today is all about getting organized! My desk is so overpopulated with coupons and sale ads and takeout menus and office supplies and kids school forms that I can't handle it anymore, and I need to make space for my glorious new career as a cancer patient. Having Cancer (caps intended) is a very busy job, it appears. There is a lot of paperwork and research and material to be organized and tracked and figured out, and I will not get through the ookier parts of it if I don't take the time now while I'm still able to get all this crap filed and sorted and organized so I can keep all of the Having Cancer materials properly organized.

Anyone who knew me before, oh, say 7th grade, would never have dreamed I could grow up to be this anal retentive. Trust me, ask my mother, you'll see.

Physically, I feel far less icky than yesterday, which is nice. I'll have to drink some nasty evil barium suspension tonight to get ready for tomorrow's CT scan, so I need to enjoy my day as much as possible.So, that leaves me organizing life and preparing for a visit tomorrow from my oldest friend in the world, and all-time favorite neato coolo guitar player in the known universe. (And probably some unknown ones too.)

Oh, and I almost forgot. Y'all might have figured out by now that I love the art and humor of Sandra Boynton. When surfing her website and shamelessly stealing things to put on my blog, I found the coolest jewelry in the world. I was about to race out and order myself a hanging cat necklace or a guardian hippo necklace until I saw the prices, but I thought others might be as entertained looking at them as I was. They are way cute. Maybe I'll get a friendly beast tattoo when this is all over or something.


Jaime said...

Yes, you are anal. You made computerized lists of spices to buy when you moved out of the house. I still laugh about that. *g*

If that guitar player happens to be named Scout, give him a huge hug for me. Giving him my email address would be good too. I miss that boy.

Love ya

Anonymous said...

Hey Friend,
Your ability to amuse in your writing never ceases! In the best of times and in the worst of times you keep us informed, letting us into your world as you see it. I can't believe I had to wait all this time to finally see your wedding pictures!!! Sandy passed your latest email along to me. I will be following your daily updates as you walk this path of healing. Hey, let me know when you are in Mtn. View as I work there now and would love to see you.

Many Hugs! Sue McDonald

darcy said...

as your other oldest friend.. you have been so anal since the day I met you. you are the list guru, which is probably why you had so many papers to clean up. i think you once planned where a group of 6 was going to sit at the movies (meaning who sits next to who and exactly where, etc) - this all hours before the movie started. i knew you were beyond help then. glad you liked the flowers

Stephanie said...

I should point out, for the record, that both meeting Darcy and moving out of the house occurred in or after 7th grade. I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

Barium is pretty nasty.

and it makes you poop.



Stephanie said...

Barium is distinctly nasty, and yes, it makes you poop.

I am, however, pleased to report that they now have a version which tastes almost exactly like chewable orange baby asprin from the stone ages. I actually LIKE the taste of baby asprin. But it's still gross.

Auntie said...

You probably don't remember this, but I cleaned your room for you many times before you reached the age of 6.Therefore I know of the change you speak of.I heartily thank you for taking on the mantle of anal one in the family.I took years of abuse over this! Ask your mom!(Jaime shakes her head yes). I do understand. Being anal is a way of being in control and being proactive and keeping your anxiety under control.In my case, if my car and house are clean I am in control. See, simple illusion to make me feel better.The fact that I know it is an illusion dosn't spoil it for me,it works, I will continue to be as anal as I need be. Need to go and make a list now. Love you!