Well, I voted. Yay for me. Did you? There are some definite advantages to living in a small town, I tell you. All those places with all those lines you see on CNN...the longest wait I had was while the little old lady looked up my name. Regardless, I couldn't help but feel that it was definitely some sort historic day. I've got a strong personal investment in a certain proposition, and of course the presidential race, so I'll be watching the returns with great interest.
The sad part of that is, aside from waiting on pins and needles to see what happens to my proposition and praying it goes down in big, giant FLAMES, is the fear that we'll end up with some sort of mess like we did in 2000. I think that is as much of a fear as that stupid proposition passing, or the "wrong" guy winning the oval office--the idea that morning will come, and we still won't be sure! I think that would be the worst. Hanging chads! Butterfly ballots! We won't even talk about Joe the Plumber.
Other than that, little to report, other than the fact that we remain firmly in the grasp of Martian Death Flu. I definitely have it now, and I am not enjoying it one bit. I'm still not as sick as Lloyd, or at least I'm just sick in different ways. He finally went to the doctor and he has a sinus infection. I'm just...SICK. But I have good reading material, not to mention a not-very-subtle hint that I have a story of my own I should be working on. (thanks Mom) It's hard to be creative while I'm feeling like hell though. Sometimes it's hard to tell which parts are cancer-related and which parts are flu. I can't tell if my dehiscence is healing or not, because it still hurts. I have an appointment to have it checked next week, so we'll see. I can't start radiation until that booger heals, and I'd really like to get that over with.
Patience is not my strong suit.
I hope you voted for the animals on prop 2!
That wasn't a hint, that was a useful tool. *g*
But yes, finish it, and then send it to me. I can give you a lot more useful feedback on a finished story than a partial one.
The Martian Death Flu is indeed a nasty beast. I want it gone now, please. I sincerely hope you aren't coughing as hard as I am. Ack.
Love you
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