Sunday, November 23, 2008

Post #80

Wow. That's quite a milestone. 80 posts, at far less than 1 post per day means I have had cancer for a long time now.

Today is an icky day. Well, not everything is icky--two out of three kids are playing Risk with their father, the third is upstairs being quiet, one dog is asleep and the other one is rolling around on the floor like a dipshit with her toy, it's bright and sunny, and I have discovered how to waste eons and eons on Facebook.

But PAIN-wise, things are very icky. There seem to be little, tiny, evil gnomes stabbing me with red-hot needles in my upper thigh. It is maybe a lymph-related problem, or maybe nerve damage-related. (It's an area that has had significant nerve damage since surgery) Whatever it is, it HURTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I am sitting very, very still.

To amuse myself, I'm starting a new list. I have this bizarre habit of sticky-tab-flagging or ripping out pages in magazines where I find random information that I want to remember, and I am now faced with a pile of ripped out pages that I have to decide if I should keep or not. (And if I keep them, what do I do with them?) I'm trying to sort them...

Yes, I am this bored, because I am in too much pain to concentrate on anything for more than a minute at a time. New list, consisting of random useless information, to appear at right.
Bleh! (And OW.)
Hope everyone's having a less painful day than I am.


darcy said...

i am so going to search for "spiny anteater sex" on you tube now! Thanks for the fascinating facts. Since I do need new cookware, maybe I will wait till May!

Anonymous said...

add me on facebook!
