I think most of you have known someone who's gone through chemo and/or radiation. I need information & anecdotes about anyone who has gone into chemo and/or radiation therapy WHILE having a monster cold, flu, or even infection such as bronchitis.
- Did they do it?
- Did they delay the start X days?
- What did the doctors say when they found out about the illness?
Despite goop, I do NOT have symptoms of bronchitis yet, at all, but I definitely have a MASSIVE cold-slash-flu that woke me up today with a fever of 103.2. This is obviously not good, since I have a meeting with the chemo dept tomorrow and am supposed to start radiation one week from today. No one else in my house yet shows a sign of catching it.
I'm going to be Googling, but I could really use some help from the wide world out there, just to have an idea what your friends and loved ones have experienced.
I don't know a single person who was sick with a cold, flu or other virus when starting treatment. My guess is that they won't even consider starting until you get over this. If your immune system is already compromised they aren't going to want to make it worse.
Call Andy or the PA you've been working with. Hell, call someone at the center and tell them what is going on. They will be able to give you first hand information.
As a matter of fact, go see Andy asap. Between being this sick and the med side effects you need to see him not matter what.
Love you
I never did a chemo treatment while sick. It's probably a good idea to wait, but on the other hand the early treatments don't hit you as hard as the later ones, so they might let you do it if you are a leeeeetle sick.
Also - I just read your post about losing your eyelashes, which does suck, but look on the bright side - you don't have to shave your legs or pits! (And the Brazilian-esque bikini line is all the rage these days...)
Hi-my name is Cindi. I am a friend of Aimee "Johnson" Martinez's. She asked me to take a look at your blog, since I myself am a two-time cancer survivor. I don't know about the radiation in relation to being sick, but I do know that the chemo will lower white blood count and comprimise your immune system dramatically. Your friend that made the comment about the treatments being easier in the beginning is right, so they might go ahead and start it. Radiation doesn't affect the immune system, so they might go forward with that as well. Your Mom is right, you should call your Oncology office and ask. In my experience most "cancer" staff are very helpful and wonderfully supportive. The worst of if will be the fact that you already feel crappy from the flu and you'll have to feel crappy from the treatment as well. Sorry, no candy coating when it comes to the "c" word. Anyway, I wish I could be more help on this particular question, but if you ever need to ask a question or discuss anything feel free to stop by my blog...
REMEMBER...stay positive as much as possible it REALLY makes a difference! Let people take care of you, don't be proud.
I appreciate everyone's input! I'm doing lots of research and contacting lots of doctors and nurses and pretty much you name it.
Seeing Andy at the drop of a hat isn't really possible, but I do have an appointment with the chemo physician's assistant tomorrow morning, and with the lymphedema clinic in the afternoon.
I just need to know if there's anyone out there who knows anything about if cancer folks DO start things like radiation or chemo when the patient has something like a cold or what-have-you.
On one hand, it seems like they wouldn't--compromised immune systems and all that.
On the other hand, you're trying to make sure that the cancer hasn't spread throughout your body, and frankly, I'd rather they try and kill that than wait out random cold while the cancer runs around unsupervised.
Who knows. One source says one thing and the next source says something entirely opposite. I am really to the point where I can't keep track anymore & I'm frustrated and sick of it. Someone just make up their mind!!!!
If possible, I would wait. I have known at least three people with cancer and being ill during chemo was not a good thing. My uncle died of pnemonia. (sp). Not that that is a possibly given you are just starting and not getting heavy doses but still not fun. BUT that's me. Talk to docs and nice people like Cindi. What's the risk of waiting another 2 weeks?
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