Saturday, January 10, 2009

Holy narcolepsy, Batman!

The main side effect listed for both my particular chemo recipe and my radiation is "fatigue." Now, some sources even list "extreme" or "severe" fatigue.

Considering that "fatigue" and even "severe" or "extreme" fatigue are parts of my daily fibromylagia life, and have been for what seems like FOREVER, I figured I could handle those.




I am pretty sure I have been asleep more hours than awake today, but at least I haven't had to go anywhere or do anything at all. It's been lovely. But, I've been up for almost 3 hours now.... G'night.


Jaime said...

Just think of yourself as Sleeping Beauty's understudy. *g*

Sleep all you can. Everything and everyone will be waiting for you when you wake up.

Love you

Stephanie said...

And I slept, and I slept, and I slept some more...and it was never, EVER enough! I want MORE sleep! I find myself now looking for little pockets of time in my days where I can get some sleep, like, if I get done with dermatology and the optician early enough, gee, maybe I can sneak a nap before radiation and massage... It's a given that I'll nap DURING massage. The really sad thing is that I can't "sleep in" (meaning later than 8) until Friday. I feel like I have a job, and I'm dying for it to be the weekend I can sleep through it!