Sunday, March 15, 2009

Merry Sunday!

This, right here---> is the happy place.

I'm fond of corners. I have four corners of the house that I claim for myself now, in one way or another. This is the happy, quiet, resting, rocking by the fire, doing yoga and reading corner.

The very front corner near the front window is where the giant antique desk full of craft supplies and the sewing cabinet are.

The back corner of the living room is where my spot on the couch is, and all my knitting and tv watching occurs.

The little corner that was supposed to be the "breakfast nook" in the kitchen is where my desk is, where the computer lives when I'm not carrying it around the house, and where my calendar is, making it one of the most important places in the house. Mission control!

I was taking photos of things, so I thought I'd show off what I've been doing, and how I've rearranged the dining room so that it can be half dining room and half family room in front of the fire. Ahhh..... I've been in a good mood today.

So, why am I in such a good mood today? I mean, I'm not complaining about it, but there is sure as hell NO good reason for it. I'm having massive neuropathy pain in that pesky ilioinguinal inner thigh & genital area and my right hand, which keeps going to sleep on me too, severe, severe, severe pain in my lower-lower abdomen, pelvic area & back. Really bad. Like, some of the shooting pains in my back in the last few minutes have made me stop, double over and contemplate my toes.
Unfortunately all of the pain issues are probably related to the yoga workout I did this morning, which felt amazingly good at the time. I felt really strong physically, really good & focused mentally, did a gentle, easy stretching routine, did NOT push myself any farther than my body could know, all the stuff I was supposed to do.
This is like the 4th or 5th day in a row I've managed to get down o the floor and do something, even if it was 5 minutes of stretching my legs. ANYthing helps, everything counts, right?
Sunday is chore-day in our household, which means there has been much cleaning and vacuuming and everything looks nice and pretty now. We all know that a clean house is very soothing for me...I'm weird that way.
Yesterday, Anna and I went out shopping and got most of the stuff I need to start making terrariums. We found cool jars and containers, cool rocks and sea glass for the bottom, moss, all kinds of stuff. We are missing one rather necessary component--plants! It seems that Gridley is rather anti-houseplant. Outdoor plants galore, but no indoor. I did find baby tears, which, according to the magazine article, are useable in terraria. So, I did buy those, and I'm going to experiment with one starter jar, to see if I can make it work, before I go hunting for more houseplants. It should work...we shall see. I started the jar before I sat down here to eat and blog and finished it after.
(Yes, look Mom, I ate! It was horribly bad for me, but I ate.)

I actually ended up making two terraria, and planting a big clump of baby tears in one of my favorite planters which desperately needed something interesting in it.

Terrarium 1 is the jar with the gasket. It's the one I meant to make, and I stuck a little angel figurine in there just because I had space and it needed something. I didn't know what, but something.
Ooh, now the excruciating crampy shooting pain is in the front! Don't worry, it's on *both* sides and all the way across, so it's not my appendix, I promise.

There's terrarium 1 --->

There's terrarium 2, down there below.

I guess we'll see how they behave and how well they live before I go out and stock up on teeny tiny houseplants to make more. Well, I do have one more container I REALLY wanna use, so I'll probably at least get plants for it so I don't just have an empty jar sitting around.

Now, I am absolute, definitely done for the day. Oh, man am I done. This pain is getting to be a bit much to ignore, so I think it's time to lay down and read magazines. It might be intestinal obstruction kind of pain, I think. Definitely time to lay down anyway.
But, it has been a very merry Sunday, with lots of prettiness in the form of jars filled with rocks, moss and soil.
Yep, I know I'm weird.


Anonymous said...

Terrariums, o.k., but if you start to macrame I am coming back up there to see if you have gone totally early seventies on me! Ask your mom what we used to do for fun if you don't believe me.
Some of your pain is your body protesting after all of the bed rest but yoga is the way to go I think. The bad pains...I don't pretend to know. But no, you're not weird, we call it interesting!
Auntie loves ya.

Anonymous said...

When you are ready for more plants, try Wal Mart. Ours usually has mucho small little plants and if you have a target with a garden area, they do also. Glad you are managing to do a little that makes you happy, remember baby steps! Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you, I do that alot though.
Grandma sends her love, she says she is going to call soon.

I love you,

Aunt Jeanne