Thursday, May 7, 2009

Pond = crack

I admit it, I'm addicted.  I am a hopeless pondophile.  That's P-O-N-D, and not P-E-D, people.  I will sit and watch the African chickens (also known as Guinea fowl, for those of you who need translation) scurry about and look for jackals and giraffes.  I never knew jackals were so gorgeous.  I guess I just assumed that they were sort of gnarly looking, like all the other canids in Africa.  We saw a HUGE pack of African wild dogs prowling around the other night, and they are just about the ugliest things I've ever seen.  They look like they were put together out of spare parts, like patchwork.

Nighttime brings the hyaenas, and lately, HUGE herds of elephants.  The kids are gettng used to me shouting "Giraffe!!" or something at random moments.

Thanks Darce.

Anyway, it was pointed out to me that I haven't posted an Oz update lately, and I should.  
Ok, Oz is fine.  

He's still got terminal acute kidney failure, but he's fine.  Weird, yes?  Ever since we moved the food and water up here, started the subcutaneous hydration, and bought him THE nastiest smelling and looking wet food (Lloyd hit it on the nose when he said it looked like there were cut up worms in it) he's been acting a lot like his old self.  He uses the scratcher, eats, drinks, goes downstairs to potty, scarfs kitty treats, snuggles with me AND wants to play games at 1 am.  

We're taking Stella to the vet on Monday to get her last shots, and I'm going to have to ask the vet what to look for that his kidneys are really going on him, and it's "time."  He's acting so much like his old self, minus a few pounds, I'm not sure what will tell me.  He sleeps snuggled up with me when I nap and has even taken to staying on the bed with us for the night.  Used to be, he'd cuddle with Lloyd while we watched the news and as soon as Lloyd would turn on his side and zonk out, Oz was off on mysterious kitty business for the rest of the night.

So, the weird answer is, he's fine, and I have no idea!  We'll see what the vet has to say.

As for my health, I have a sinus headache from HELL!  My hands are still a mess, but thank god I see Andy tomorrow.  I've actually gotten used to not having's like learning to type all over again, but at least I'm learning.  It's probably actually not a good thing that I'm used to it though!  The cancer center was supposed to be hooking me up with a neurologist, but I haven't heard from them yet.  I'd guess I'd better bug them.  

The lymphedema has largely resolved, save my my pubic area.  It doesn't seem there's going to be a resolution there, and that it may require professional treatment and lots of it.  The tissue is already in the early stages of fibrosis, which is when the tissue starts getting thick, spongy and hard and may be completely irreversible.  All I know is it's damn uncomfortable and painful.

Lots and lots of neuropathy, in my feet, which also have some deep cracks starting again, and inguinal area of course the hands, on top of everything else that is going on there. AND, what I think might be going on there is some for of evil arthritis, because I'm starting to feel it in my knees, hips and all kinds of other joints, which are getting swelly and painful.  Creeeaaaak, groan...

And did I mention puppy-induced sleep deprivation?  
Time to fix some of *that* problem now, and see what Andy can figure out tomorrow about any of the rest.


Auntie said...

Oh yeah! Forgot this is Darcy's fault. Thanks Darce, if I can't leave the pond to do anything else I may have to get a wife.Sorry to all of the men offended by that, I in no way meant that you need wives to pick up all of your slack.Oh no.Anyway Steph, I had to tune out tonight after watching a bird toy with his frog dinner for 20 minutes cause I would have lost it if I'd stayed to watch it go down his throat.

I hope you have a better day tomorrow, I love you.


darcy said...

i was just about to post the original website I found which is streaming wild boars (the squealing babies are a riot) - but perhaps I should not? Anyway, I just found it and have not been on it for almost 5 years. I will have to investigate to see if it is still as funny as it used to. (there would be beautiful nature/forest sounds interrupted by loud frantic squeals). Gotta do something until they fix the power mishap at the pond that keeps happening lately.