Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Quick note!

Yup, somehow I let a week go by again.  Oops.
I'm still out here, and of course a lot has happened, and I'm working on writing a blog post explaining all of it, but right now, I just have one piece of news: Oz.

This morning, the universe told me it was time, so tomorrow at 10:45 we have an appointment at the vet.  He's declined even more, and faster since this morning, so I KNOW know that it is the right decision at the right time, which helps met at least.  The kids have had their time to say goodbye, and I'll get mine.  How here's hoping I can stay as strong as I want go.

That's all for now. Everything else can wait.


Jaime said...

I'm so, so sorry. Oz was one of the world's great cats. I will miss him.


Love you

Auntie said...

Oh Steph, I am so sorry but you are being a good mommy by letting him go before he becomes even more miserable. I love you.
