Friday, July 31, 2009


Let the wild rumpus start!
Well, there probably won't be any rumpus, per se, I am very happy. By now, most everyone in my world knows (via Facebook, text message or late-night phone call) that my Pap test came back completely clean, negative, clear and wonderful.

There is, at this point, no evidence of nasty cancerous cells hanging out down there
where there used to be a cervix. How freakin' cool is that?

I am definitely happy, and very definitely relieved of a small part of my "nagging worry" collection that I carry around with me at all times, but while some intellectual part of my brain says, "Dude, you're supposed to throw a party or something," I can't really wrap myself around the idea and get too excited. I'm just kind of flat.... Lloyd and I were talking about it last night, and figure that maybe that's because I've just got so many other things going on, medically-speaking, that one thing will just keep cancelling another out or something.

Yesterday, before I got the Pap news, I went to see the pulmonologist up in Paradise. Shockingly, he was actually quite NICE and likeable this time, and told me that all scans and x-rays and everything else show that those little "nodules" are still only 5mm and inconclusive.
They could be metastatic cancer, or they could be nothing at all, and unless they grow and move and start showing any sort of behavior at all, we can't know. They're too small to biopsy, and even with a bronchoscopy (which sounds pretty horrible), he says he'd never find them in there because they're so small. He says that he, himself, if he had these things, would not be at all worried about them. So...I'm really NOT. There is still that tiny, nagging worry part of my brain that will always be there, but otherwise, I'm ok.

Now, Monday, I get to go back and see Dr. Davis, the OB/GYN bearer of the good Pap news, for a much less fun reason. It would seem that my vaginal canal (or "vault," as they call it) is prolapsing--trying to turn itself inside out or escape. Basically, all the organs I used to have in my lower abdomen were sort of connected to each other by connective tissue, and helped support each other. I lost some intestine from that area in 1999, then the uterus, tubes and ovaries in March of 2008, and part of the canal, cervix, lymph nodes, and butt-loads of other scar tissue, cysts, and lord knows what else with the cancer surgery. My bladder, the main thing left in there, is probably the culprit, pushing down on the vaginal canal now that nothing else is holding anything else in anywhere, and thus the prolapse.

Lest anyone worry, this is exceptionally common. There are mechanical means of correction for minor ones, and surgical means if it goes too far. In my case, it hasn't gone TOO-too far yet, but... my BCCTP coverage only lasts for another year from Sept 1, so if it looks like it's going to need surgery eventually, I'm going to have to have it before the coverage runs out. Urgh.

SO, we shall see.
I am happy, honest I am, I'm just really tired, I guess. It's very early in the morning, and yet time to get my ass moving to go visit my favorite hairdresser and have this mop on my head FIXED so that I can live with it.

More news when I have some news.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Let the goofing off continue!

Yup, I'm still here. Still alive, and still goofing off. I'm still fighting major aches and pains and medical issues, but otherwise just doing a lot of goofing off and watching recorded tv with my darling husband.

Yesterday, we actually left the house (since it was only 103, instead of 109) and went to the movies. YAY for Harry Potter!! I was exceptionally upset by one deviation from the book, but otherwise, it was a good, fun movie. After five previous movies, my expectations are kind of set for how much they'll manage to work in from the book and how much important stuff will have to be left out, so I was in the right place. Very dark and scary though. Even Lloyd literally jumped out of his seat once! I wouldn't take little kids to see it, but that's just me.

Today is a resting day, since I have doctor's appointments both tomorrow and the next day. Yes, even a simple trip to the movies takes it out of me so severely that I need a resting day.

Tomorrow is Andy for my normal monthly check in and prescription writing; Thursday is the pulmonologist & a chest xray. After that, I should have some juicy medical gossip to tell, like whether or not I have to have a bronchoscopy (I have GOT to look that up...) to sample whatever these things in my lungs are.

And, I do have to talk to my assorted doctors, because I'm really starting to feel like the amount of pain I'm having, and the kind and the location of pain, is more than and/or different from what I should be having this far out from surgery, chemo, etc. I'm really uncomfortable! So, we'll see...

That's about I'll leave you with an interesting view on medical treatment. Um, yeah.....interesting.....courtesy of my favorite newspaper column.


Here is my suggestion for medical treatment for people who don't have insurance. I'm 80 years old, and most people didn't have insurance when we were raising our children. We went to the county clinic and count hospital as stated, so we need to go back to those arrangements. It was good enough for us. I might add, there is an ethnic group that is putting kids out one after another. I live in one of those apartments. They have a couple of older kids. They came to this country with and then they are having more little ones. That I don't have an answer for. So who's paying for them?

July 21, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Doctor update

Well, we have some minor medical news today.

I went to see Dr. Davis, the gynecologist up in Chico, for an annual exam and Pap smear, even though I don't actually have a cervix anymore. Of course, we're hoping that all the results come back negative. I have to have another one of these in six months, rather than only once a year. That part was a surprise to me!

Aside from the usual exam stuff, Dr. Davis suggested a medication I should talk about with Andy, to take the place of one of the ones I'm already on; set me up with a refill on my estrogen pills; added on an estrogen cream; prescribed some Silvadene cream for some skin problems I'm having, and generally got an idea of where I was at this point in my recovery.

From the Pap & internal exam and the pelvic he did today, nothing looked or felt out of the ordinary or strange, which is wonderful. No news is definitely good news in this context!

Good visit, great doctor. It's nice that all of my doctors take a very holistic approach to my care, and check me out from all directions - physical, mental, emotional, everything. They're all communicating with each other, so everyone basically has the same info, and I really feel like I'm been watched so closely that if ANYthing goes wrong, one of them will catch it immediately.

So, so far so good. After the doctor's visit, I got to go to Red Lobster and eat crab and be decadent. Then we came home and got assaulted by our dogs. Stella is SO big and SO strong that she can literally knock me down when the puppy enthusiam is at full blast. We gotta work on that.

And now, I'm ready for bed! I can't even tell you how many typos I've made and had to correct while trying to write this silly little entry ......aet;kljhuiswreklh435jsb!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Yep, still sick; plus more Small Town Stupidty

Still sick, in fact, even more sick than I was before. When I talked to Lorrie this morning (Andy's wife & nurse practitioner) I actually asked her how we would go about finding out if it was swine flu - told her it was my hypochondriac moment for the day!

She took me seriously though, told me that the powers that be will only test you if they can document that you were exposed to someone with a confirmed case. Now, that seems kind of silly to me in general, but whatever. She said to treat it as if it was - which means, treat it like any big, bad, nasty flu that is making you beyond miserable. Rest, fluids, etc. We all know the drill!

So I am resting, and taking care of myself. That's about all there is to report.

Meanwhile, Small Town Stupidity!

"Newspaper is rolled too tight
It's hard enough to read the newspaper as it is, being as it's so long and narrow. So why is it now being rolled tightly together with a rubber band? That makes it even more impossible and unmanageable." July 20, 2009

"Name street after Jackson
The late, great Michael Jackson deserves far more than just a national holiday in his honor. How does Michael Jackson Street grab you?" July 20, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009

No news is good news, right?

Well, basically, yeah. We've been doing a whole lotta nothing, since I've been borderline sick (flu-y) on top of my lymphedema CRAP and random cancer-related side effects that alternately hurt like hell and piss me off and also because it's been hotter than hell - literally!!

106 degrees is not weather in which to do anything except stay in the air conditioned house and absolutely revel in the fact that you have air conditioning. Those of you who don't are certainly invited to come visit and revel with us. We have lots of empty beds to offer up right now.

So, since I have nothing to report, I'm going to start something I've thought about doing for a while now. Let me explain...

We live in a small town, in an area with lots of small towns, where our largest city is Chico, a burg of less than 90,000 people (if the internet is to be believed). We've got a good sized CSU (California State University) and I don't know if population figures include the student body or not.

So, anyway, small towns, small town newspapers...
One of my favorite features of our local paper, the Chico Enterprise-Record, is their call-in op-ed feature "Tell It To The E-R." This is apparently a voicemail box, set up to record anonymous comments from readers, which are then printed verbatim in the paper.

The key word in there folks was "verbatim."

When I've got nothing else to write, I'm going to treat you all to some of the um, wisdom, shared by my fellow NorthState residents. Since it's the first time, I'll put up a few. Enjoy...

"Correction for misquote
I called in the other day and left a message and it was misquoted. It was regarding medical marijuana. The active ingredient in marijuana that kills cancer is THC -- that's Tom, Harry, Charlie. Not PAC. Anyway people, Google search that. Even your reporters, Google search that -- and you'd see the benefits." July 15, 2009
(DAMN, if I'd known pot killed cancer, I'd have spent an awful lot of time stoned over the last year!)

"Comcast should be cheaper
Why after first eliminating Hallmark and now channel 17 [local PBS station] has Comcast not lowered the monthly charge?" July 15, 2009

"We have laws for right and wrong
That did it, I'm ready to stab freedom of speech right in the back. Not like the righeous Obama leftists, however. I want to describe 'race' as a competition as in sports or politics, to win. Otherwise, race, racism and racists shall be, from here on out banned, eliminated and never used again.
The rules for this started 2,000 years ago or so and still exist today. It's called 'right' or 'wrong.' Otherwise, you promote and proliferate the words and the actions felt the least in separation.
Laws already exist for right and wrong.
Thank you. Enjoy the weather here this is great. Take care." July 18, 2009

Ahhhhhh..........I love my small-town world. :-)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 2.5, and the slide has begun

Yes, this is day 2-1/2 of our month sans children, and our slow slide into debauchery has begun.

Well, maybe not too slow. We dropped the kids off at grandma's house on Monday afternoon, then went to run an errand in Roseville before we went home. By the time we were done, dinner was called for, so we decided to try something new, and headed for the Thunder Valley Casino in Lincoln. Casino buffets are wonderful things, you know. The fact that we got free slot play money by joining the players club was just a bonus. See, you have to join the club before you go to the buffet - you save $5 per person off your dinner if you do, making it only $9.95, which is the deal of the century. Thunder Valley, unlike all the other indian casinos we've been to, is so giant and gorgeous, it looks like you're in Tahoe, and the buffet meets that standard too. I mean, WOW buffet. So, anyway, we were bad, and we didn't get home until almost 11 pm.
There was much puppy apologizing to be done.

Last night, we had a proper grownup dinner, all by ourselves and behaved. Tonight, we've started moving into our normal summer routine of sitting around the living room and only bothering to eat when we feel like it, which might mean never, or might mean we eat fast food at the coffee table. Who knows. I should probably consume something vaguely dinner-like.

So, anyway, the kids are safely in New Jersey for their month, and we get to goof off like newlyweds again, aside from all the Social Security paperwork we need to work on. The goal is to get that done as soon as humanly possible, so that we can get to the goofing!

All is well, with us, puppies, kitties, birdies, fishies, and way-far-away kiddies. Thanks for checking. :-)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Down by the river...

Ah, yesterday afternoon was relaxing, sitting on my ass by the side of a river (we changed from lake to river) having nothing at all to do but sit on my ass by the river and watch two little girls make things out of sand and get astoundingly messy and dirty. It was entertaining. I think it would have been just about perfect if my stupid-ass lymphedema hadn't been making my uncomfortable, but such is life.

I'll have to bug Aim to send me some of the pics she took of the messy little girls, especially the one in a princess bathing suit with a very saggy butt. ;-)
No, that wasn't Anna, just in case you were wondering.

So, I learned that the park in Oroville on the Feather River was a very nice place to play in the river, being as where we were was right on a big sandbar, so that the kids could wade out into the river in a really shallow area to play. I also learned that doggies were welcome at that park, and in the river, which is the exciting news of the day!! We'll have to get Stella a 50-ft line so we can take her swimming. Pea and Sparky will come back to us, but she'd be somewhere 3 miles downriver before I blinked.

Anyway... In case I hadn't fully explained, what with my anti-selfishness rant yesterday, the young'uns are heading east for a month starting Tuesday. I just thought I should mention that, since we might take every chance while they're gone to run away and goof off, leading to a dramatic downturn in the number of blog postings. Then again, since my visit with Dr. Mazj, I've got several medical things scheduled during the time they're gone (back to being a professional patient!), so I'll undoubtedly have stuff that needs posting.

But, one way or another, we're determined to enjoy ourselves, even if all we do is clean the
house top to bottom (so that it will STAY that way for a month) and then lapse into a stupor of watching movies together on the couch and eating a lot of Chinese take-out.

Either way - running away or lapsing into a stupor - it'll be a nice little vacation. I'll probably spend a good part of the time worrying that the kids are bored silly, like they were on their last trip back there, but the rest will be nice.

So, be patient with me if I get lazy about updating. If I get something up here once a week, I'm not dead; and the odds are good that I will have very little to report. That would be good, right?

Today and tomorrow are the hard-core packing days, in which we try to cram everything they might need for a month into three suitcases which each weigh less than 50 lbs. Tuesday, we load 'em up and truck down to Sacramento, to Grandma's house, where Mommy will be waiting. At some point after that, Mommy loads 'em up and trucks them down to San Francisco to the airport (no direct flights from Sac to NJ) and takes them back east. Middle of August, the process gets reversed.

So that's the scoop here. I'm exhausted, and I feel exceptionally sick to my stomach, but we're supposed to all go out to a movie this afternoon, followed by dinner in Chico, to celebrate Trevor's birthday, so I suppose I have to get to feeling a lot better very soon. Sadly, if I were to feel too crappy to go, I would be made to feel way, way worse in the form of guilt-trips, so I have to suck it up.

Wednesday I can collapse into a puddle, and Thursday I even get a massage, so the vacation will begin then!
Off to go sneak in some reading before too many other people wake up and I have to become productive. Productive, boo.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Oh, how time flies when you're sleeping too much...

Here's wishing the happiest of days to someone who deserves it most.
You held my virtual
hand through the hardest weeks of my entire life and I'll never forget that.
You deserve the best!

Sleeping too much, but not sleeping enough...that's pretty much the theme this week! I am SO tired! I don't have any good reason to be so tired, but there you have it. I doze off at the computer, on the couch, hell, even in the bathroom. About the only place I don't doze off is the shower, thank god.

Getting up with Stella in the wee hours might have something to do with it, but I'm not sure. One MIGHT think I'd be used to that by now. But, no, I just keep wanting nothing but sleep when I try to sit and read a book or anything else that doesn't require being on my feet moving. Might not be so bad, but I have a lot of things I want to do, like read books and knit, and things I need to do, and they aren't getting done.

Anyway...Grand Revelation of the Week time: I have decided that the thing I hate most in the entire world right now is selfish people. It used to be that the thing I hated most was bigoted, intolerant people - and I sure as hell still do - but I've decided that being bigoted and intolerant is a type of selfishness, so it all works out.

But anyway, I'm pissed as hell at selfish people. You all know the type - the ones who are pretty well convinced that they are the only beings to inhabit this planet; or at least the only ones worth noticing; so therefore they can do as they please, when they please, and expect us all to just bow to their wishes at all times. If they don't like what you have done, said, written, THOUGHT, well then, you are WRONG, wrong, wrong my friend. Sometimes you will be treated to a very long and detailed explanation of just how you are wrong, with one type of Selfish Little Shit (hereafter known as SLS) or, sometimes you will simply be shown, via words, nasty looks, rolled eyes, or other body language how utterly stupid and wrong you are, and how pathetic it is that you tried.

So, can you tell I've been getting pissed off at some SLSs lately? To be clear, I did mean that in the plural, and no, I am not going to discuss who these SLSs are. We'll let them remain anonymous for now.

I'm just tired, tired, tired of that kind of behavior! I know I'm really far from perfect, and I can be a crabby, short-tempered bitch at times. But, at the same time, I really go out of my way to be a nice person, to be thoughtful and considerate, and to treat people well and fairly. I give gifts, whether for occasions or they are just small tokens for no reason, to be nice. I say please and thank you ALL the time, even when I'm irritated or angry. I feel that is necessary, whether I'm talking to a relative, a clerk at a store, or even "asking" (aka telling) a child to do a chore or task.

I am trying very hard to teach my kids the same principles, because *I* selfishly think they are important. In one case, I think it's working.

Now, don't get me wrong - there are times when selfishness is essential. Sometimes, we need to be very selfish in order to get the time we need to take care of ourselves when we are usually taking care of others, or to learn to say "no" to that one more favor that would put you over the tipping point to insanity. Lots of good reasons, yes, but even in those, polite, proper behavior is mandatory.

The kind of selfishness that is making me so crazy is the kind where the person in question speaks, acts, behaves as if they are either the most important person in the universe; or they are actually the ONLY person in the universe, and therefore their behavior doesn't have any effect on anyone else.

That is what gets me, right there. Your behavior does affect others, like when everyone else is ready, and must wait on you, when dinner is on the table getting cold because you can't be bothered to come down until 10 minutes after you were told, when you criticize someone's way of doing things because your way is the only proper way, when you make significant decisions without consulting anyone else (in cases where others have a definite stake in the outcome), when you make rude comments to or about someone because they have thoughts and opinions you disagree with, and especially, when all of the rules that apply to others DO NOT apply to you - in YOUR head only - because you are YOU! Wow! It must be wonderful to live in THAT fantasy world, huh?

We all know people like this, right? I just finally realized yesterday that they were the cause of a lot of the stress in my life. That is unacceptable!

See, I'm not allowed to have stress. I have enough stress from medical issues that there isn't room in my life for any other kind. Since I don't get a vote on whether or not I have the medical stress, I have to rule out all other kinds.

If only it were really that easy, right? I can say I'm banning all SLSs from my life and mean it, but I can't quite practically 100% do that. I'm going to damned well try, but sometimes there are slight issues there. You all know what I mean. Well, maybe not all, because some of you reading may have recognized yourself in those descriptions up there... I'm not going to say I'm sorry, because I'm not - I fully understand that my rants may lose me some readers here and there!!

Anyway.....rant completed. I'm trying to get back to a nice zen-like place now. It's time for some yoga (puppy-assisted yoga, the best kind), then time to start getting things together to head out to the lake with Aimee & Em. It's shaping up to be a gorgeous day out there, so it should be beautiful lakeside! I need to make friends with someone who owns a boat so I can get out ON the lake someday!

Hope everyone's having a wonderful Saturday!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy 7th of July

I hope everyone had a good 4th! I was too busy enjoying myself to blog, so you'll have to forgive me.

And, in the spirit of patriotism, you MUST watch this. You must.

Now....was that not the funniest thing you've seen all day? C'mon, you know it was.

Saw my doctors on Thursday, with all pretty
good results. Dr. Mazj wants me back in with the pulmonologist I saw that one time before, because those little whatever-they-ares in my lungs are still there, as (in his word not mine,) "nodules" and need checking. They haven't grown at all since last visit, and are still too small to biopsy, these being good things, but they are still there and unidentified, so he wants them identified, stat. Ok.

He also sent me for labs, of course, and my hemoglobin is back into the "why aren't you dead yet?" range. Andy was sooooo happy it had gone up to almost normal, and now I slipped back down again. Dr. M also noted that I am quite undernourished.

Grr. I've got to start finding the energy to make myself good healthy food again AND make myself eat it. Daddy brought me some great zucchini when he came up for the 4th, and I've eaten one of those, so that counts as a start, right? It wasn't even deep-fried! I am going to go to Safeway today and raid the produce section, I swear, and then I swear I'll eat some of it, even if it's 3 bites a day. That would be 3 bites more than now, right?

Daddy and I were talking food, as we often do, and in discussing the wonders of Trader Joes, I had the grand realization that if I went to TJs on a regular basis, I would undoubtedly eat better, and eat more. TJs has all these wonderful, delectable things, which are organic and whole grain and Omega-3'd and antioxidanted and all sorts of wonderful things like that, and as a killer bonus, are made in little me-sized portions, are cheap, and taste great. Amazing, huh?

(And I'm finding myself wishing more and more that Daddy lived in Gridley, so he could come over and we could talk and have dinner and go do stuff to goof off. Sigh.)

So, I'm thinking I need to get back to a project I started long ago (among many) and make a list of food things that I love but always forget about. Like hummus, for example, or chicken salad, or Waldorf salad, or couscous, fresh fruit or heirloom tomatoes with bleu cheese dressing! Then I need to make an attempt to eat these things once in a while. If I can just make my life-schedule work itself out so that I actually start going to yoga class, yoga is almost right across the street from the shopping center where TJs is - a part of Chico I very rarely go to otherwise. Now, if that ain't a sign - yoga and TJs being near each other - then I don't know what is. Ok.

Moving on... Let's see, hemoglobin bad, things in lungs unidentified, protein and nutrient levels bad, lymphedema bad (but he's going to call the therapist for me and see if he can find out what's up with the torture garment thingy), and I think that's about it from Dr. Mazj.

Next, I went downstairs and saw Dr. Whalen in radiation. Of the many docs I've seen down there, I really like Dr. Whalen. He's nice, he's straight to the point, and he's the doc who took it upon himself to do a bunch of research and consult with Drs. Pisani & Mazj to determine that I did NOT need the internal radiation and that it would probably do more harm than good. That really makes him a good guy in my book! He did some very uncomfortable exams - I'll spare all y'all the details - and discovered that I had a yeast infection without even knowing it. Amazing, because normally I KNOW, but I guess this one is different and stealthy. Could explain some random symptoms and the absolute exhaustion I'm having lately, if there's been an infection of any kind festering in my body and draining resources...and man oh man have I been exhausted and sleeping most of the day for the last couple. So anyway, Diflucan is our friend. I took it yesterday, and hopefully the little yeastiebeasties will already be on the run.

I think that's about it medically... Well, for me at least. Someone else in this house is having major surgery tomorrow - my beautiful baby puppy! Yup, it's time. She's going in to get spayed, which is a good thing over all, but made even better by the fact that Dr. Brenda is going to pull all her remaining puppy teeth while she's under. This is significant! The poor baby has gums that are swollen to all hell and must hurt like nothin' doin', because if you look carefully, you can see the baby tooth and the erupting adult tooth crammed into the same socket. Ow! That's gotta be miserable. She's definitely acting miserable in the form of crabby and getting in trouble. The dog who never gets into things has been stealing random possessions, including my little stuffed elephant Spot, which could have been a tragedy!!! Normally, she'll make off with something random maybe once every week or two. Yesterday, it was maybe 8 things spread throughout the day.

I keep trying to give her teethers - rubber toys kept in the fridge, scraps of washcloth that were wet and then frozen hard, normal toys, nylabones - to keep her busy. They all end up covered in blood, which is very disconcerting, but when I check, it's just normal loose tooth bleeding. This morning, she's been crying non-stop, which of course kills me. I finally gave in and gave her a rawhide, even though I know she'll bleed like crazy, but it keeps her busy, happy and not crying, and those are things to strive for!! I just have to remember to have the vet save me her baby teeth, because I'm weird like that.

When we take her in, Mr. Sparkydog is going along for the ride, so that he can get microchipped
while we're there. They do that on a walk-in basis, which makes it really convenient. Pea got hers when she was in for xrays, and Stella was done with her first puppy shots. Now all the babies will be chipped, and their fretful Mommy will be happy.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we're trying to get the kids ready to head back east with Mommy for a month. They used to go back for the entire summer; last year they didn't go at all; this year we're trying a month.

I'm going to lovelovelovelovelove the quiet and time alone with my darling husband, but I'm also going to go nuts with them gone. I worry nonstop that they'll be unhappy and bored like they were the last summer they went.

Some of you might recall that the last time they went, the summer we moved, she almost brought them home a month early because she and her SO were fighting so much; topi
c of the fights: her never being home or spending any time with the kids, who were then stuck in the condo with him as de facto babysitter for the whole summer. So the atmosphere at that time wasn't great, and the kids were bored out of their skulls on top of that, so therefore I was miserable. I'm praying it goes better this year, for the munchkins' sake. I can't enjoy my time alone with my DH if my little girl is calling me crying.

But anyway, getting them ready to go takes a lot of work! Sorting all their clothes to see what fits, buying more clothes, figuring out what "stuff" they can take to keep themselves busy, etc. All the new airline baggage rules should make this REALLY interesting, what with the charges and weight limits and fees, oh my.

I really wish to god Trevor could take his guitar back with him, but I just can't see it. It would be an immense pain in the ass with infinite potential for damage, but I still wish. He is SO good now, and loves it so much, I hate to see him lose all that playing time. Ah well.

I think that is about all that is new and noteworthy. The only other thing I have to mention is
that I've discovered some new blogs worth checking out, if you're of a mind to do such things.

I'm hooked on the sheer glee that is Cake Wrecks - so now Jen has gotten herself nominated in
the "Funniest" category of some major blog awards. Checking out the competition, I've found some other wonderful silliness to read.

The awards site is here if you want to check out some of the finalists. (Sadly, voting is closed) So far, I've found Twitarded, Meanest Mom and Boobs, Injuries & Dr. Pepper to be bleh so far. However, Bye Bye, Pie! is thus far hilarious, and Barefoot Foodie is
showing strong potential.

Well, and of course, if you're not peeking at Cake Wrecks ( on a daily basis for some serious giggles, you are a total loser anyway. ;-) I mean, how can you NOT read a blog in which yesterday's feature was wedding cakes shaped like tree stumps? C'mon people! Well, I get a lot of serious giggling done, anyway.

(Scary stump cake picture is copyright Cake Wrecks & Jen Yates, I just wanted to show y'all!)

The scary sasquatch and well, I don't know what the hell it is cake pictures are mine, taken at my local MegaLoMart.

The agenda for today is to take the little one to get her hair done - a nice trim to even up her split ends and let those glorious curls hang evenly - and to Safeway, to raid the produce department. I've also got to start working on some pulled pork for sandwiches to use up our stash of both pork and hamburger buns before they all leave. I've got to do a freezer inventory for just that reason. Giant sized packages of anything aren't useful when it's just the two of us, and I hardly eat!

But I think that's about it for now. I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but I can always add it later. Happy Tuesday everyone!! (I'm eating a impressed!)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy July!I

Ah, a new month.....but today feels like a blast from the past.

I'm to be up at the cancer center before 1, go have blood drawn for labs, and then see Dr. Mazj at 1:30 and the radiation oncologist (I never know which one!) after that. Sounds awfully familiar, doesn't it?

Yep, I'm dreading it.
Not because it will really be horrible or something, but just because I have to go do it.

At least I get to go buy fireworks beforehand. That is the fun part of the day. I'm lucky enough to live in one of two cities in Butte County that still allow them, so we're taking advantage. It's Trevor's birthday on the 5th, so that's another excuse to light up the night on the 4th. At least that's what we tell ourselves. Daddy's coming up to play pyro with us this year, so that makes it even more fun!

Otherwise, there's not a hell of a lot going on besides birthday preparation. We don't have gifts to buy - we're taking him to Guitar Center with a virtual gift certificate to spend early next week - but I have to make a mud pie for his cake. Not hard, just time consuming, it seems. I've never made one, but it seems pretty simple.

In other news, I went and saw Andy this week, and my labs came back mostly encouraging. I'm still "not nourished," in his words, but my hemoglobin numbers are up to a place that approaches the bottom of the normal scale, and my A1C diabetes score is 5.5, which is friggin' great - you're supposed to aim for a score under 7. The only major negative was my vitamin B12, so it's finally [sigh] time for me to do the injections, which means I have a kit to pick up at Longs full of syringes and goodies. Wheee. Not.

Meanwhile, I'm still crankin' away on the paperwork pile. It's reaching the home stretch, so that's encouraging. I know it's the first of many, but I think this set is the longest and ugliest to get through.

I think that's about it, but I wanted to give y'all a quick update. I'll have another one of some sort after I see the two oncologists today, so I'll probably post when I get home, whenever that may be. I never know when I go see them!
Stay tuned...