Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Doctor update

Well, we have some minor medical news today.

I went to see Dr. Davis, the gynecologist up in Chico, for an annual exam and Pap smear, even though I don't actually have a cervix anymore. Of course, we're hoping that all the results come back negative. I have to have another one of these in six months, rather than only once a year. That part was a surprise to me!

Aside from the usual exam stuff, Dr. Davis suggested a medication I should talk about with Andy, to take the place of one of the ones I'm already on; set me up with a refill on my estrogen pills; added on an estrogen cream; prescribed some Silvadene cream for some skin problems I'm having, and generally got an idea of where I was at this point in my recovery.

From the Pap & internal exam and the pelvic he did today, nothing looked or felt out of the ordinary or strange, which is wonderful. No news is definitely good news in this context!

Good visit, great doctor. It's nice that all of my doctors take a very holistic approach to my care, and check me out from all directions - physical, mental, emotional, everything. They're all communicating with each other, so everyone basically has the same info, and I really feel like I'm been watched so closely that if ANYthing goes wrong, one of them will catch it immediately.

So, so far so good. After the doctor's visit, I got to go to Red Lobster and eat crab and be decadent. Then we came home and got assaulted by our dogs. Stella is SO big and SO strong that she can literally knock me down when the puppy enthusiam is at full blast. We gotta work on that.

And now, I'm ready for bed! I can't even tell you how many typos I've made and had to correct while trying to write this silly little entry ......aet;kljhuiswreklh435jsb!!!


Dawn said...

Now I want to know how it is that you get away with every six months when I had to do every three for the first 2 years. I just now got cleared to the 6 months. Consider yourself a very lucky woman!!!

I am very glad that noting seemed out of the ordinary and I will keep positive thoughts that the pap comes back normal.

Get some rest!!!

Stephanie said...

Ah, but you are missing a few things darlin'... I have check ups with Dr. Mazj (chemo) and Dr. Whalen (radiation) every three months, plus a CT scan every three months, then the Pap tests with Dr. Davis every 6 months, bunches of blood work every 3, chest x-rays as ordered, having to see a pulmonologist, pulmonary function testing, probably seeing Dr. Pisani every 6 months too AND the lymphedema clinic visits.

Unfortunately, I'm not getting away with much, lol You had all your follow-up with Chen, but because I got passed along to radiation and chemo, Dr. Mazj kind of interhited me - I think it's like the last oncologist to work with you is the one who does all your ongoing case management. And Dr. Mazj is thorough...very thorough!!! :-p

Dawn said...

I know! I know! It just surprised me about the paps. I stand corrected :)!!

Stephanie said...

Just so's none of the other kids in the cancer sandbox thinks I'm goofing off over here, not carrying my weight in doctor's appointments......or the powers that be will invoke karma and give me MORE!!! :-P

Tif / Halu-Halo said...

No news is good news! I don't want to hear any news from you at all. Nada. Zip :)

I love crab. Crab = Decadent to me too. Yum.
