Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Off to see the wizard...again!

Gee, does that sound familiar?

Well, here we go! I'm almost entirely packed, and therefore almost ready to tackle the last bit of organizing I have to do here at home, and then we're off.

Tons of anxiety.
Lots of stress.
Manic packing and racing around from one thing to another in a lovely ADD manner.
Too much luggage.
Too much shit I MUST take!
Husband who worries too much.
Too many things at home that are being left undone...which makes more stress.
But...................too little time to do anything else.

Time to zip the zippers, hop in the shower, and get out of here, quick like a
bunny. Wish me luck.


Jaime said...

Breathe. It will all be fine.

Tell the husband who worries too much or someone to email me or call and leave a message on the machine to let me know everything is okay.

Love, luck and all that with a bag of chips. :)


THE PRINCESS of everything ... said...

heard from the hubby that all went well. Lotsa hugs!