Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Chemo time again!

Well, it's almost time again... tomorrow is chemo cycle 3 of 3 for our first salvo.
Tomorrow will be a pretty long day in the infusion lab, because I'm getting chemo, Ferrlecit (iron) infusion, AND a Procrit shot, which is supposed to stimulate red cell growth.

Friday, a Neulasta shot, to stimulate my white cells, and THEN...two weeks to go nuts stewing in my own juices waiting for the CT scan that will decide everything about my immediate future.

I'm going to assume that I'll be back on chemo pretty immediately after the CT scan, but it's just a matter of how much, when, how long...depending on how the little fuckers are responding to the treatment. Meanwhile, I'm a total ball of anxiety waiting to know. I just want to know that it's doing something. That's all.

I saw Andy Monday, and I saw Dr. Mazj yesterday & had my labs done. Aside from being anemic, despite the two Ferrlecit infusions I've had so far, and "malnourished," according to some other test, all my labs came back great. My white cells are rebounding beautifully, plenty high enough for chemo and anything else; my kidney function is perfect - everything in line where it should be. That is fantastic news, really.

Meanwhile, life lately has been the usual mix of doctor's appointments, tests and feeling pretty crappy, with some days of feeling fairly decent mixed in here and there for variety. I'm looking forward to Daddy coming up tonight so he can take me to chemo tomorrow and give Lloyd a day off. Lloyd and both boys have had massive cases of the latest flu virus going around, and feel like hell, so he can really use a day off! Or 5 or 10... Luckily, Auntie is coming back soon, and that helps everything.

Other than listing the latest doctor visits and such, I just haven't had a lot to say lately. I've been pretty depressed and anxious most of the time, and sleep far too much.

I also found out yesterday that I will very soon be bird-less for the first time in most of my adult life. :'-( My poor little Elvis BooBoo bird, who I never expected to live this long (he was really sickly as a baby) is failing. He's still very sweet, and is snuggling more than he had in a long time, but he's spending all his time on the bottom of the cage, fluffed up and looking sick. I know it's poor little love is almost 14, and that's as old as most cockatiels get. I didn't need anything else to be sad about, but there you have it.

So, not a lot to say...but that's about everything that's going on around here.

I do want to add another big thanks to all my friends & family out there. I have the most fabulous support group there could ever be, and I get encouragement and strength from all of you every day, whether you're visiting, sending me notes, postcards, hats, scarves, or giant boxes of ginger candies. ;-)

I know I'm not keeping up with blogging enough, but it's been hard for me lately. I am going to try to do better - don't I always say that? ;-) But it's the least I can do for that you all do for me. I just want you to know, even if I don't always write back, I do really, really appreciate your effort in writing to me.

Thank you all for being with me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I absolutely could not be doing this, going through this deeper, harder therapy without you.


Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry that you have to be going through all this shit.....i wish i could be there to help you and your family out......i will keep positive thoughts about a good Ct scan......and will keep you and your family in my prayers.....i will be posting some more childhood photos on facebook soon so keep a look out for some memorie flash backs.

Love you and keep up the fight...I know you will WIN !!!!


Pabs said...

(did you get my box-o-lotions?) You can answer that when you're 'able', responding to your posts a few back, about your skin now 'reacting', my skin was NOT happy at all too, to have to process the poisons that it was given, so I test drove a LOT of stuff really fast to try to limit the damage and find SOMEthing, ANYthing that would help, I have all these half full tubes of Burt/Bee, Aveda, L'Occitane, Philosophy etc. (this was before your kit arrived for Christmas). The good news for you, at least it is almost Spring, so you won't have to add Winter (and the cold/dry) to the list of things effecting your skin. So the only winners in my humble opinion from the experiment in the lotion department that had no fussy smell to make me sick, good ingredients that I could pronounce and identify AND that worked WONDERS were Kiehl's and Origins (which I think you bought me some Origins products for Christmas one year, so here I am to return the favor!). So try them out, see if they work for you, the Origins has a slightly 'happy' semi citrus, zippy little scent to it, hopefully it doesn't register on the nausea meter. I hope these help you each day, just one less thing I hope you have to deal with, let me know if you like one or both so we can keep the shipments coming :-) BTW, now I have tattoos too, just not as grand as yours ;)

Tif / Halu-Halo said...

i'm so sorry about Elvis!!!! :(

i think you do a pretty darn good job keeping all of us posted! (hugs). you're one strong special lady steph!