Friday, September 24, 2010

The Catching Up With Everything entry

Well, there are so many entries I've wanted to write, and I haven't got to any of them, AND I've lost the index cards with all my notes on them, so I'm just going to have to wing it. ::sigh:: I'll be trying to catch up on everything, but I'm realizing that it'll take me more than one entry, otherwise I'll take about a week to write it. So, one thing at a time.

I guess I'll go backwards, most current news first.

My Peadog
My baby girl is sick, which of course is the most important news there could be. She doesn't ACT sick, thank god, but she's barfed six times in 24 hours. A few times I thought we were past it - she went 12 full hours overnight - but nope. Many vet phone calls and we're off to the doctor in just a few minutes from now. (10:10 am Friday Sept 24) Update, and finishing this entry when I come home, of course.

Well, a very large sum later, we're home, with pretty much no idea at all what's causing her to be sick. She hasn't barfed since morning (jinx...just wait) and has kept all her meds down for almost an hour and a half now. Cross your fingers. We've got her on Prilosec, Compazine and something to coat the mucosa in her digestive tract and we're just hoping it all stays in to do some good. She had blood, urine and stool tested and everything there looks ok, which is the big relief. Now we just wait. I'm keeping her upstairs with me again, where I can confine her to the bathroom if needed (it's big and open, so I can see her and she can see me, which helps) and most of the time, I can keep her on the bed, on the crib-pads we had to buy when Stella was having bladder leaks. I think I'm going to take a nap while she's sleeping.

Stay tuned and pray for her to have a strong stomach, at least for an hour or two. I wasn't planning on being up at 7 am, and I'm tired.

The idiotPad
Well, my lovely little device apparently comes with some limitations. We went to the crApple store at the mall out in Roseville, which lived up to its name right away by the nicely insistently firm young lady at the podium telling us that in order to ask some questions we had to have an appointment, and that the first such they'd be able to give us was over 2 hours away. If you wanted to buy something, you could talk to anyone you wanted, but if you already owned it, you needed an appointment. That did NOT improve our feelings toward the crApple brand too terribly much... I went and explored Sephora for the first time ever, and after that improved my mood a bit, I went back and tried again. This time, instead of going to the official person at the official podium, I found a nice young man and cornered him.

And, after all of that trouble, it turns out that the answer to almost all of my questions was: No.
Uploading photos into Facebook though the normal web interface? No. Apple's fault? Of course not; it's a software thing, and until Facebook changes their site, sorry. Blogging on blogger in the normal "compose" box, instead of this, the "edit html" box? No. Apple's fault? Of course not; it's a software thing, and until Google changes their site, sorry.

I see.

Unfortunately, there was absolutely no way in the world for me to find out about these kinds of things before I bought. Every website is different, and some of the programming plays nicely with Apple's technology, and some doesn't. And, of course, Apple's technology doesn't play nicely with anyone, so it has to work the other way around. The good news is that supposedly these things will become far less common as the rest of the world catches up with the idiotPad. I do believe that, because I think these things are going to be pretty much everywhere pretty soon, so I will hang in. If I returned it and got a net book, I'd have different problems, and it would weigh nearly twice as much. ::sigh::

Well, at least the nice young man did tell me how to get my idiotPad to sync with my laptop, even if it did take about 3 hours the first time, and that wasn't even transferring all my photos. I have a loooooooooot of music.

Ok, time for a nap before my gorgeous girl decides it's time to wake up and be active. Luckily, with her age and my illness, we move at about the same pace these days.

And we like our naps.
Soon, more exciting posts, with topics such as:
*What I Did On My Summer Vacation
*Why My Stuffed Animal Collection Is So Much Cooler Than Yours
*Why "The Passage" (the book, in case you have been on Mars this summer) Sucks So Seriously That It Pissed Me Off

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Pabs said...

crApple, hahahahaha...sad but so true...

If it makes your life easier, if you KNOW you need one of the kiddies at the crApple store, you can make an appointment ahead of time using their website, find the store and book an appointment online:

That way you won't be subject to what they have available, and usually that is 2 hours out (because everyone else booked online) ;-) Be aware, most of the time I've brought anything in, it's just a way for them to send your machine out and charge lots of $, so if you ever think you're going in again with something for them to fix, be prepared for the tab.

Lastly, most of the 'genius' kiddies are usually geek-y males and seem to like helping 'helpless' obviously computer illiterate females, so as much as I love Lloyd, you may want to go solo to the genius counter, you will get better service if you play the girl-card. Sadly, I've been to the genius bar waaaay too many times and this is what I've learned over the years that works, I hope this helps and may the Force be with you~P