The magical iPad is here. Sadly, it is SO magical that it's kind of like something out of Harry Potter, and I don't have the spells to unlock it yet.
This was technically my first post from the iPad. Unfortun
ately, while I was able to enter a title and (accidentally) hit the "post" button, I could not find a single mechanism by which to access the field to type the body of the post. You literally just can't go there. Aaaaannnnywhere else...but not there, nuh-uh, no way!
I feel like Pooh with his head in the hunny pot - it's all very nice and sweet, but you can't really get anything done....
(I'm writing this on the laptop now, having gone in to "edit" the post originally started on the iPad.)
In knitting, there is something commonly known as "i-cord," so named because, supposedly, it's so easy any idiot could do it. I'm starting to think of the name "iPad" as a similar abbreviation; only, in this case I AM the idiot who can't figure the damned thing out.
My kingdom for a cursor!
Or a real instruction manual!
Or navigational arrow keys!
But mainly a cursor!
Is there an "iPad for Dummies" book? Can I get it on the Kindle? Or on the iPad?!
Stay tuned for the solutions to these and other equally exciting mysteries as I continue my quest.
I will say that the idiotPad has a couple of things going for it so far-
When opening the bookshelf app for the first time, it gave me a free book to play with. Does it give every user the same book? The book *I* got was the full-color original (not Disney-style) "Winnie the Pooh." Some of you out there are going to understand what a delicious coincidence that is.
And it is pretty. It is really, really, really pretty!!
Reason 5,236,892 I will never own an Apple product of any kind.
Good luck. I think you're going to need it...
Love you
Macs are good for certain things and for everything else, they can make your life miserable. I myself have 2 Macs now, so I'm still learning (they do the lion share of website editing), but the iPad is a whole different beast I was just not wiling to venture into, I'm posting this on a MacBook Pro, a very nice machine, for video editing, for other things, not so nice! ;-) I do feel your pain, I tried to use M's iPhone (to txt a certain someone to get you into a certain show) and though eventually I did craft & send a message, it wasn't easy! ANYway, it is a whole different world, I can tell you, if you use such things on your iPad, download and use Firefox, Safari is fairly unstable and will shut down on you unexpectedly, so far, Firefox has proved to be a much more reliable browser when on the Mac :-)
Hope this helps, let me know if you have any Mac questions, I'll ask M, he'll know! ;)
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