Friday, November 19, 2010

Ahh, the joy of chemo...


Well, I've had two Venofer treatments, my labs and my visit with Roni, Dr. Mazj's physician's assistant. Two days down, one to go... THIS WEEK. As of yesterday, when the rest of my Venofer treatments were worked out, I'm so over-scheduled, I'm not sure how either Lloyd or I are going to take it. It's going to be a lot like the days when we were doing radiation and chemo at the same time and heading up the mountain five days a week.

Next week isn't bad at all, yet. I have the remainder of my root canal treatment to finish on Monday, with a trek up the mountain on Tuesday for Venofer. That will let me have a little bit of a break after chemo, and still have time to get in all oif my Thanksgiving shopping, prep and cooking without being too pressed for time. I usually try to prep as much in advance as I can, but Chris has been drafted as my sous-chef for the holiday so I've got my back covered this year.

After my holiday break, it's one hell of a week. Monday, six fillings; Tuesday, Venofer; Wednesday, Andy; Thursday & Friday, Venofer. Urgh!!

The following week is almost as bad - Monday, Venofer; Tuesday, three fillings; Wednesday, Venofer; Friday, Venofer. At least I've got Thursday off that week.

The week after that, we're back at chemo week, so it's an exact copy of this week, with the doctor's visit, chemo and Neulasta on top of three Venofer infusions.

I'm getting tired just reading this, and having trouble figuring out where in all of that I'm going to do Chrismas shopping, wrapping and all the other holiday tasks. I'm having the sudden (very sudden!) realization that I'm going to have to cut back on what I plan to do, and make really damned good use of the little time I do have!! Hello Mr. Anxiety Attack!

I just got up for my every-ten-minute potty break, and now I'm REALLY depressed. The shower is overrun by ants - still. We started treating last night, choosing to put a bait disk in there, so they might kill some back at the nest, instead of just spraying it. This morning, we'll have to spray, but it does look like the bait disk has had booming business overnight. This is only, 10? 12? Longer? in our ongoing battle to reclaim the house from the ants. The kitchen and pantry have been under constant attack, with side flanks hitting all three bathroom. This could put an even bigger damper on any holiday baking I try to do!!!

And, whoever plans layout for our local newspaper should be given a lesson in compassion. The obits belong somewhere appropriate, likejj behind the last page of the classifieds, not on the page before the comics. Seeing familiar faces of two women, one young and one older, who request donations to the Feather River Hospital Cancer Center and Hospice didn't help out my anxiety or depression much at all.

It's going to be an interesting month ahead. It's time now to go hit the catalogs and work on some Christmas shopping.

SO, no one's going to be shocked when I don't post very often, now, are they?!

1 comment:

Auntie said...

God you poor baby you're not havin' any fun at all are you. I am sorry you have been so busy and feeling so bad and I wish I could be there with you.You are sooo over scheduled and I bet Lloyd really needs a break too.If you were driving from Covina to Glendora like Laurie does it would be a lot easier even though still busy! The good thing is that you can get the work on your teeth finished and forget about them and nothing beats the bone scan news cause you don't need to be apprehensive about anything else. Don't stress about Christmas. Take care of the kids and forget about the rest of us. I for one would just like you to have more time for yourself that dosn't involve a cancer treatment!As for the ants, when we were overrun like that the only thing that worked was getting sprayed outside and ant chalk inside. If you have a Chinese market anywhere in the northern part of the state you can get it there. I could send you some too but I think it is just boric acid in a chalk form. We'd put it in a circle around the dog's bowl and no ant crossed the line! Maybe you could simi-circle the shower. Love you.