Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I just noticed, as I went to write this entry, that this is post number 301 on this blog. I never imagined I'd have 300 things to say to anyone!

But, I do have a sad milestone to report today too. After more than 14 years, 11(?) homes and four companions, my poor little Elvis Booboo left me sometime in the night.

He was wanting tons of love and affection yesterday, and now I think he was saying goodbye. I said goodnight to him and turned on his warmie-pad, and Lloyd found him there in the bottom of the cage today, still nestled near his heating pad.

It's been a rough day, but I wrapped him up in a cloth and we took him to the vet and at least I was able to hold him for that last ride. He'll be coming back to us soon. You may think that sounds silly, for a bird, but I think anyone who sticks with me for fourteen years has earned some respect.

He was my friend, honestly, and the house is going to seem far too quiet and still without him.
RIP Boobird.


auntie annie said...

Awww...I'm so sorry. I know more than most people how hard it is to lose one of your animal kids ! I still grieve for my canary Joey. Loseing a bird is just as hard as any of your other pets. We lost Star, our pony, a year ago last month and I still can't go out back near her corral. I, personally, could never live without pets. But I envy those who can because they will never feel that horrible pain when they die. Of course they never enjoy that unconditional love a pet gives either. And yes birds do give that love as well.
Love ya, Annie

Jaime said...

14 years is a long, long time to sing and dance and hop and woo females. Elvis was the best at all of those.

I'm sorry, Steph. I know how much you're going to miss him.

Love you

Cindi Amador said...

Oh Steph, how heart breaking for you. I'm sorry to hear it. I know that his little spirit will be with you forever though.

Auntie said...

It feels like he has been there for your entire life! It will be way too quiet in the morning now that Elvis has left the building.Here's some love for your breaking heart xoxoxo.