Thursday, January 6, 2011

Giggle for the day

Seen in the Signals catalog - world's funniest onesie.

The picture is hard to read; especially since I managed to put it on here sideways, and I have no way of fixing it. It says:

Inside me I've got:
world peace
2 rainbows
light from 4 stars
green stuff
some dog hair

I find this funnier than hell, but the price is no joke - $24.95 for one organic cotton onesie. ( if you want one)

Not a lot going on here, but the Christmas tree is down. I worked on cleaning up the house Mon & Tues and felt dead to the world yesterday; so I rested. I think I feel worse today, but I have to work on getting the rest of the Christmas stuff out today. I swore I would not have it still out for the whole year this year, and I'm not breaking THAT resolution!

But, I'm running out of time, because starting next Tues, January becomes that giant medical marathon I mentioned before. Once all of that starts, I suspect I won't feel like cleaning much.

My doggie girl is feeling better too. Yay! The urine culture said she actually had an e. coli infection. We had to change antibiotics, so now she's really on the road to soon as she digests that rawhide we let her have last night!

I hope your new year is starting off as well as mine is so far. A healthy doggie and a clean house go a long way toward keeping me happy!
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THE PRINCESS of everything ... said...

BOY HOWDY .... I like the clean house part! working on that myself.

Auntie said...

I love all the Christmas stuff but...the lights are down, the gardner came today, the trash man is taking my tree tomorrow and it all looks so clean and organized now.It always amazes me how big the house looks with no tree and decorations.Untill next year when we can't wait to do it again!

Jaime said...

I adore that onesie. Alas, I can't afford to buy it for any of the people I know that are pregnant.

I'm still surrounded with Christmas crap at work. I keep thinking it should all go away soon, but we never seem to run out. The fact we have Valentines, Easter and St. Patrick's Day stuff out at the same time makes it rather jarring.

Really glad Ms. Pea feels better.

Love you