Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pretty, pretty things!

Between the incredible flowers Auntie sent for my birthday, and my beautiful young lady - no longer a little girl - dressed up for her eighth grade graduation ceremony and dance, I have been surrounded by gorgeous things lately!

Getting her ready for all of the festivities surrounding graduation has kept me insanely busy the last week, and I apologize if I still haven't written a promised email (Mom, JKB, SDS) or responded to birthdays greetings. I swear, I'm working on it. I'm trying, at least, when I'm not falling asleep on my feet.

Thus, this blog entry will be ridiculously short. I don't have any medical news of huge import yet - tomorrow I should find out if I have enough white blood cells to get chemo this week as planned. I also have a CT scheduled this month, I believe on the 23rd. I'll post the reslts of both of those things as soon as I know 'em.

More info when I have it, I promise! And when I can keep my eyes open,,,,

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