Monday, July 25, 2011

2+2=11 or 12

Well! Wasn't that a surprise! We have all always known that math is not my strong suit. Ok, math and I are not really even on speaking terms most of the time.

Last week I texted my super-brainiac kid on his vacation in NJ to ask for help figuring out the capacity of a space in cubic feet, working from the dimensions in inches, which is a perfectly acceptable thing for a math-moron like me to not know how to do. Right?

Right. But, I *have* aways thought I was capable of basic addition and subtraction.

Ever since Peadog's birthday in May, I've been going around talking about what an old girl she is, and how she needs extra pampering because she's 11 now, which is pretty old for a dog of her breed and size. And I've known perfectly well that her birthday is May 29, 1999.

YOU do the math, because apparently I'm too stupid. Lloyd pointed out to me last night that my dog is a year older than I thought she was - which is NOT welcome news, let me tell you.

Eleven was old enough, damn it! Finding out she's actually 12 is incredibly depressing, and I feel like I've just received terrible, terrible news. I want to treat her like she's made of glass all of a sudden, which is just plain stupid, but I do.

I'd better check my math on a few other things in life!


THE PRINCESS of everything ... said...

PERFECT example of the power of 'ish ..... it works for almost everything :o)

Auntie said...

Don't you dare make me a year older! :)

Anonymous said...

My Maggie girl is 17 ! She is chow-rottie mix. Big girl too, can't hear anymore and has slowed down a bit but still going ! Baby that Pea girl, (as if you haven't already been doing that), and she may have a few more good years to live.
Auntie Annie

Stephanie said...

Oh, I baby her more than she wants to be babied most of the time. If there's anything I can do to give her a few more years, a few more *minutes*, it'll get done. Sometimes I think she just wants me to leave her alone and let her sleep. ;-)