Thursday, June 25, 2009

Heigh ho...

Heigh ho, heigh ho, It's off to "work" I'm supposed to go....
But I don't wanna, and that doesn't rhyme. Oh well.

Yes boys and girls, the first wave of big thick envelopes bearing big thick sheaves of paper has arrived from Social Security. These lovelies are packets of forms, which must be filled out mostly by me, and a little bit by Lloyd, to start the process on my disability claim.

My sewing machine is calling me, as are a couple of knitting projects, but I can't go goof off and play with them, because these lovely forms have deadlines attached to them, so I have to get busy.

There are just not enough hours in the day, and for some reason, I am highly distractable. I get up at 5 am or so, and don't go to sleep until midnight or even a little later, and my day is generally full, full, full, even when I don't waste two or three hours of it on a nap. I can't figure this out. It's like magic to me. It took me an hour to read less than 10 pages of a book last night because I was so distracted by tv, talking, dogs, getting up to do things, you name it. Bizarre!

So, in the last few days, I've spent lots of time in bed, and you'd think I would have managed to at least get some reading or knitting time in there, but no, I kept getting distracted even when I was supposed to be resting.

Supposed to be resting because of a) a major, massive event of a migraine, b) one of those fun bouts of diarrhea that like to appear out of nowhere and tie me to my bathroom door and c) now a UTI which ensures that I listen to b and stay near the bathroom.

Luckily, in this house, as long as I don't go outside, I'm always pretty damned close to my bathroom.

Now thanks to reading Tif's blog, I want to sew and play with quilts, and I want to knit. The knitting is probably out of play, because my fingers are playing games with me again and going back and forth on whether or not they're going to work or just go to sleep and check out on me. That makes knitting either exceptionally difficult ot excruciatingly painful, take your pick. Sewing, I'm thinking, might work better, just because of the difference in type of motor-movement--while knitting is more fine finger movement, working the sewing machine would probably be much more gross movement, if that makes sense. Oh, and I want to learn to crochet, at least a little, and I want to work on training with my incredibly brilliant puppy (more on her in a minute), and I want to start a new book, and I have magazines to catch up on, and yoga to do, a book or two to write, and, and, and.......

BUT, no, I can't go play with fabric or yarn or any other goofing-off-ness, because I really have to work on these forms, and I have company coming tomorrow (?) to spend the weekend and I haven't cleaned a thing! Ack! Now that I think of it, I haven't made the children clean anything either, and that's highly problematic. Hrm... I guess I have more to get in gear than I thought I did!! doesn't help one bit that I'm sick through all of this. Not at all.

But anyway.
I got our circus tickets for August--YAY! Everyone is very excited. Just thought I'd share that.

But anyway. ;-)
My puppy is brilliant!! In only two days of totally half-hearted occasional training efforts, Stella knows "shake." She's still a tiny bit hesitant sometimes, but mostly as soon as she hears the command, she flops that giant paw into your hand and goes for the treat. She is a smart girl! Anything for food! Now we just have to work on slightly more useful commands, like "come" and "stay" and "do not use the potatoes for teething toys." We will have to get to those. We started puppy class on Saturday, and we go back for the next 5 weeks. That's "puppy" class--after that, we can take the basic class, tricks, and something about being a canine good citizen. I like the sound of that one.

We were saying last night that despite her minor little lapses in judgement, we have really been lucky as hell with Stella. She's smart, she's trainable, and she generally stays out of trouble. Shredding a potato or two here and there is pretty minor--and as the former owner of Dillon the Dipshit, who ate shoes, cell phones, furniture, drywall, etc, I can attest to her outstanding behavior thus far. I remember how much chaos he caused by the time he was this age! She still makes me crazy sometimes, but I do appreciate what a good, good puppy she really is. We got lucky.

So, as I check out the status is: Waiting for call-backs from a doctor and a lawyer; finished with breakfast and necessary caffeination; sick with UTI & intestinal hell; house to clean; paperwork to do; dog to train; husband & boys heading off to Kaiser (which = QUIET for at least 3-4 hours!); and blog finished.


Anonymous said...

I don't know if CA law regarding the Disabilty is anything like Minnasota is, but, my mom's fiancee had to fill out some disability forms, too. His first submittal got turned down, however, his 2nd one was approved. According to my uncle, who was helping him, said that was completely normal. My suggestion would be to make copies of all that paperwork, after you've filled it out, just in case you have to do it again.
Good Luck!!

Your most appreciative neighbor...Jamie

Jaime said...

Paperwork does not sound like fun. No fun at all.

I'm glad you've turned into a dutiful child in your old age. *g* Updates are nice.

Scritch the puppy, the cats and the old dogs for me.

Love you