Monday, February 22, 2010

A wee bit behind...

Port surgery, chemo, and visitors of the coolest kind have me more than a little behind. S'ok, I'll get it done as soon as I can!

I'm in the nasty days of chemo recovery, and I feel like hell, but Auntie is here, so poor Lloyd isn't stuck with me all by himself.

More soon, but till then, my friend Darcy kicks ass!


darcy said...

If I would have known I was going to make the blog I would have taken better pictures!!!

Jaime said...

Not sure anyone on the planet could be more behind than your mother is right now. *g* Not even you.

And yes, Darcy does kick ass. There was never any doubt.

Must run to work soon.

Love you

Pabs said...

Hello from the 'cloud' starting today and lasting till it decides it is time to let me go be a human again...I keep forgetting to say thanks for the postcards, one came yesterday!!! :)Truly the best form of communication! More comin' your way, THANKS!!~P

Pabs said...

I also wanted to mention, sorry I forgot to, the cloud makes me cloudy, THANK YOU DARCY for running for the 'cause', doesn't this all sound like something we should have to present in Mrs. Putmans class back at JFK? And if you feel like another, 'Team In Training ' has running events, or at least I hear about them ;)