Monday, July 12, 2010

Blog, bloggetty blog blog!

I am blogging.
I would really prefer to be booking my plane tickets to fly down to LA with Anna in August for a week of fun and relaxation, but no, I am blogging, because Southwest Airlines, despite their wonderful prices and free checked bags, is entirely FUCKED UP right now! I can't book our flights, because their site has an "error."

I can't book the hotel nights I need, at a fabulous price IF I pre-pay the entire cost, because I do not have plane tickets booked, and even as out of practice as I am at this whole travel thing, I'm pretty sure it would be stupid to pay ahead for hotel nights that I won't be able to keep if I'm not even able to get the FUCKING PLANE TICKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ditto the car rental.....

So, I'm blogging.
(Yeah, I keep trying Southwest again, and I get the same error) are you all? I'm doing dandy, but I want a nap. Everyone in the house, I think all species, are taking a nap right now *except* me. That just doesn't seem fair at ALL.

I'm on some new happy pills that are supposed to help me break my nap habit. Well, I think they're working. I'm slightly manic and more than slightly hyper. The first day I took one of these I was really hyper, and pushed myself too far, physically, and then had a really rough night, including one of the worst nightmares I've had in ages.

So, yesterday, I thought I'd try 1/2 a pill each dose; maybe be a little less manic, while still having enough "go" to skip my usual nap. The earlier part of the day went well, but then evening came, and I crashed out - just zonked on the couch. Alrighty.... I want a nap NOW. Grrr.

I got my nap, without really planning to. I kind of conked out randomly and never finished my ranting blog. That's probably best for all concerned, huh? Today, I'm taking the day off. Then again, today is almost over already, so maybe I should take tomorrow off too. All I want to do is read a book and take a nap. That's not so much, really, but "gotta do" stuff keeps intruding. *sigh*

But I got the plane tickets. Whew.
Lloyd is on his way to Kaiser to do something about this horrible virus he's had for the last week, with coughing fits that probably wake the neighbors. I am beyond thrilled that he's finally going to the doctor!!!

The fact that I can play hooky and go lay down and read a book and maybe fall asleep ain't so bad either.........

1 comment:

Pabs said...

If you got your plane tix already, then this info may only be helpful if you ever have to book anything else on SWA, they do site maintenance it seems, every night, around midnight PST, 2-3 AM central time, you would think they'd have a system that would be up on another server while the others update, but I guess they would have to start charging for peanuts to implement that ;-) so that may be why you got your error - I am glad your booked, let me know times, dates, etc :)