Sunday, October 24, 2010

Diagnostics update

Well, I still have my CT on Monday; and we're waiting on the Pap test results. However, the bone scan that was to happen this past Friday, well, didn't. I've rescheduled that thing to worry about for November. 3. You can blame my very temperamental stomach and intestines for the delay.

Frankly, the schedule is going to be rather frazzly-making for the next couple of weeks. Monday, CT at 10am, Weds, I see Dr. Mazj for the usual check up and labs. Chemo Thursday. Friday, at 9:30 in the morning, I get to see my new dentist again, so he can yank out another group of five more teeth, just for fun, you know.

HOPEFULLY I won't be needing the Neulasta shot this time, because that would mean heading up the mountain as soon as I'm done with the teeth, and the Neulasta shot gives me more side effects than the chemo sometimes!

Tuesday the second, I go see Andy, and then the rescheduled bone scan on Weds.

Needless to say that any days not listed as scheduled for appointments are scheduled for lots of sleep and sitting very, very still. I've been having more than my usual share of stress over everything lately, and I'm hoping that if I can get back into knitting again. That always did it for me in the past and I'm starting to feel like that might just be it again.

Typing, at least tonight, sure as hell isn't helping! I'm accidentally touching random keys, CONSTANTLY and spending half my time erasing!!! AH!!!

Enough for now. I just wanted to make sure the world knew not to go nuts looking for bone scan results just yet. As soon as I get 'em...I promise to share. A little reading, then off to dreamland with me.

1 comment:

Cindi Amador said...

Oh is that I can laugh and sigh all at the same time while reading your posts! What a crappy schedule you have ahead of you and I'm not EVEN going to talk about the whole bone scan thing, holy sh** enough is enough! I will be sending extra sisterhood vibes your way for sure. Stay strong (ha, I just had a flash back to the Outsiders, stay strong Pony Boy or was it stay gold? I don't it for Johnny man) whew, I'm back now. I'm going to quit now cause every endearment I think of seems to relate to some random movie line! I love you tons my special kindred spirit!