Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ok, I'm back

Well, I hadn't felt much like writing when lost Boo, but I'm back.

More specifically, I'm in the cancer center infusion room, waiting my turn for one of the very busy, overloaded fantastic nurses to come and puncture me, and then set me up with my infusions for the day. I'm supposed to be getting a red cell booster infusion each of the next three days, along with chemo tomorrow, and Neulasta shot on Friday, so this should be interesting. I think I've had this drug before, but I can't really remember what it was like or if I had a reaction to it or not, so I have no idea what to expect.

I guess we'll see, won't we?

Along with being kind of generally depressed after losing my birdie, I've also had some generally miserable days in the recent past. I had one day ( I can't remember which day for the life of me) where I woke up with a migraine so bad that I spent the entire day, early morning till night, alternating between sleeping and sitting on the bathroom floor barfing my guts out. I couldn't keep anything down, my anti-nausea meds did zilch for me - including the suppositories - and nothing would touch the pain. It was truly the worst thing I have experienced in a very long time. Actually, I've got more than a little bit of a sinus-y headache going now, but I'm crossing my fingers. And my port hurts, damn it. It just randomly hurts sometimes, but this is the first time its hurt while it's been accessed (meaning while its punctured while I'm up here getting an infusion) so I'm a little surprised.

There really hasn't been a lot going on to write about, truthfully. One exciting thing- I got the results of my bone scan: NO metastatic disease in the bone! Whoo-hoo!! That is the one thing that mattered. It did show some sinus problems - not shocking AT ALL!

Otherwise' I've been getting my dental work done, bit by bit, and had sort of a double root canal yesterday. I say sort of because they weren't able to fully finish it in the time we had. I was having a weird day yesrday, where I kept falling asleep constantly, and I slept through the whole thing! I'm not complaining, but it's weird.

I am complaining about this growing headache I have...its making it hard for me to see to type this, so I think I'm going to sign off and try again tomorrow during chemo. I know this isn't the greatest or most exciting entry, but I know that all of you will live. I shared the bone scan result, and that was the important thing.

I'm going to take a nap. More later!


Cindi Amador said...

My Dear Queen-
I'm so sorry that you are having to grieve over your fine feathered friend. I'm equally sorry to hear about your awful day with the migraine. My goodness, enough is enough already. Right? I am very happy to here about your bone scan though. Every 1 piece of good news is worth 100. I'm sending you sweet See's bon-bon thoughts and the healing power of a c-club friend. Love you dearly!

Jaime said...

There are no words for how grateful I am the bone scan was negative. I've been holding my breath on that one.

And having had migraines that bad in the past...ick. That is one complication on top of complications you didn't need. Gah. I hope they can give you something to knock them out.

Love you