Well, I get a break in the storms to drive to Andy's today, it looks like. That is an unexpected and bright (literally!) spot in the week, but there is a downside... instead of taking my usual route, 45 minutes of back-road down Colusa Highway, which is nothing like a highway at all--it's barely a 2 lane road in a couple places, winding through rice fields and wildlife preserves and such--I have to go about 20 minutes out of my way through Yuba City, the long, icky, not-pretty way. Colusa Highway, along with lots and lots of other streets and such up here is flooded!
It's not river flooding--if it was, we'd have to be worried here about getting flooded, and luckily, we're not in any sort of flood zone at all. We made sure of that when we bought the house! Now, we are in what's called an "innundation zone," which means that if the dam on Lake Oroville bursts, we're all screwed. Us, and a whole lot of other folks.... Luckily, the dam failing is rather unlikely....but I digress. The flooding we're having now is a result of those pretty rice fields where all the pretty birdies are and their associated irrigation canals and channels not being able to handle the amount of rainfall that hit 'em all at once. Driving Colusa Highway is not something I'd want to do in the dark if I didn't know the road, and you have to be really careful at all times, because there are irrigation channels and creeks and ditches on both sides of the road most of the way, with zero shoulder. A couple inches to the right, and even with a 4WD, you're stuck, and wet. So, you can just imagine what it's like now.
Well, it's a lot like this--->
That's Butte Creek flooding Aguas Frias Road, which is only a little bit north of Colusa Highway, which also crosses Butte Creek. Pictures like this always astound me, because they mean that some moron has actually thought they could drive through that water in some little bitty car. And of course, the news yesterday was full of several more morons in the same predicament. I mean, unless they were planning to open the door and paddle, what the hell were they thinking?
So, anyway, it's off to Andy's I go today, to get paperwork signed so that I can hopefully continue to be on the prescription assistance plan for Lyrica for the next year. Cross your fingers on that. It's a bloody wonder drug, but it's bloody expensive.
After that, home to do a little more baking for the funeral reception tomorrow and then I'm done and ready for that.
The bad news is that I haven't gotten nearly enough rest the last few days... I had to bake a birthday cake and make a birthday dinner for a big boy yesterday in honor of his 15th birthday,
and am just feeling kind of toasted. I'll survive though. After tomorrow, I don't have to do anything at all for many days. That is a very good thing, because I am just feeling the pain and overall "sick" feeling post-radiation and chemo.
AND the evil diarrhea came back. I think I have it under control, but I am still not happy!!
Ah well.....I guess I'd better go get ready to go visit Andy. It wouldn't hurt to leave a bit early, just in case it takes me longer with the stoplights than I planned for. Going the back way, Colusa Highway, there are 0 stoplights, which is pretty cool. If I felt better, I'd be tempted to drive out Colusa Highway just for fun to take some pictures of the flooded parts...
So, that's all from here. Nothing too unusual to report, just plugging away, and hoping that sometime soon I don't wince in pain every time anything touches me between my bellybutton and crotch.
More later...
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