Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My, how time flies!

My, MY how time flies when you're having...well, not fun, but something or another. Yesterday marked the beginning of the last week of external radiation (week 5 of 5!) and today is my second-to-last chemo treatment. Three weeks of internal radiation to go, starting either next week or the week after, and then I can start the countdown clock to remission.

Of course, I knew this time would come, but I have to admit, it seemed realllllllly far away at times. After being unemployed for so long, having to be somewhere at a certain time every single day for weeks on end was kind of a shock to the system, especially when I'm generally feeling too horrible to want to go anywhere in the first place.
But it's almost over! Wow! That is almost shocking when I think about it now.

Last night was a horrible night. All of it...I think I slept maybe from about midnight until 2, and then tiny bits of sleep in between trips to the bathroom from then on. I finally got up at a little before 7. I guess it's a good thing that all I have to do today is get punctured and lay in my happy little recliner at chemo. I'll probably conk out on Aimee at some point, but I guess I'm allowed to. She'll understand.
Needless to say, tummy not happy. That's not a good sign, either. I usually get the diarrhea starting a couple of days after chemo. It's kind of become routine--chemo, then diarrhea and massive attempts at hydration and stopping the diarrhea. This week I'm running behind before I even start, which makes the job a whole lot harder. Grr.
All the ladies at radiation yesterday loved the green hair. I'm sure the chemo nurses will too. The funny part was all the other people-- other patients, folks in the lab, etc-- who weren't in on the joke, staring at me and me forgetting that I had green hair and wondering what they thought was so interesting. In the cancer center, anything goes, but I forget about the rest of the world.

Let's see, is there anything else to report? I can't think of anything. I have tons of email I should be sitting down and returning...if I owe you one, I promise I will get there, just probably not today. Other than my lovely sleepless night of misery and the impending end of phase 1 of radiation and chemo, I don't think I have anything else medical to update. I feel like total hammered crap, to sum up, but that's not anything new or particularly noteworthy, that's a normal state of being, so I guess that's about all for today.

I mainly wanted to post a few more green hair glamour shots. For some reason, we just can not get the green to show up well in photos and I don't understand why. The streaks are WAY, way, WAY greener in person. They're a really nice, rich pretty color. I have no idea how long they'll last ("5-10 shampoos" says the bottle; could be a week, could be a month) but at least I can say that I dyed my hair green before I was 40, right?

And for some reason, my eyes look really strangely big in these photos, which makes me look like some bizarre anime character, which I also do not understand, but oh well. I've used up all of my waste-able time, and I have to go get in the shower now so I can be clean and pretty to get punctured and have toxic chemicals pumped through my veins. Such is the glamour of my life.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

It looks pretty green on my screen. *g*

Almost done. Almost.

Love you