Monday, April 20, 2009

Diagnosis: Stupidity

Well, everyone will be happy to hear that Oz's probable diagnosis is stupidity.  Not eating and not drinking is just dumb.  He's just been upset about the puppy coming home, and since she spends most of her time in the kitchen/dining room, where the food and water is, he just started hiding upstairs.  Stupidity!

However, when cats lose a large amount of weight in a short period of time, they can develop something called  fatty liver syndrome.  

The main symptom of fatty liver syndrome is jaundice, and the vet didn't find any signs of yellowing in his mouth, eyes or ears.  Just in case, she took blood to do a panel of tests to make sure, and she'll call me in the morning with the results.

Luckily, the cure for fatty liver syndrome is pretty easy--it's calories.  Eat, eat and eat!  Hopefully, of course, he doesn't have it, but if he does, at least the cure isn't too horrible.  We're trying to get him to eat some nice high-calorie wet food and tuna and such in the meantime regardless to get his weight back up.  Anna just opened the vanilla ice cream, and I think I'm even going to try and tempt him with some of that.

Anyway, that's the update.  Hopefully the dumb cat will rebound soon!

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Dippy cat. Tell him to eat.

And I sincerely hope that your pain lessens soon. That sucks mightily.

Love you