Friday, April 3, 2009

So much for the dentist!

Let's all say a nice goodbye to Dr. Ahn, and his wonderful staff. From what I saw yesterday, none of them are going to have jobs much longer.

When I got there yesterday, none of them knew much more about the whole mess than I did, and then all of a sudden they were all having a meeting about it.

Things are still pretty up in the air it seems, but it's very likely that my appointment on Monday will be my last. He dug out the monster molar on the lower left, which was a very miserable, nasty experience, deep into the jaw bone to get all the decayed root bits.

He was going to excavate the root tips of another tooth that fell out some years ago after mondo abscesses, but said he changed his mind and is going to do it Mon when I come to get sutures out. That is a good thing, but still a bit nerve-wracking if Monday is my last appt.

When I was leaving, the assistant said something about "it looks like they're shutting us down." Now, what I heard was July, but she made it sound like NOW.

On one hand, I'm glad to have that molar dealt with; on the other, before, I could at least chew somewhat on that side. The molar on the right is an even smaller piece, because more chunks have fallen off of it. Now, I lost that piece to chew on, and now I'm not going to get my bridge or whatever he was talking about to replace it, and I'm kind of in a worse position than I was before. Better infection-wise, but not so good eating-wise. It's exceptionally depressing, actually. I am sick to death with dealing with my teeth, and constantly having to switch dentists depending on my situation, just to fix whatever is the immediate crisis. I thought I was actually going to get to stick with this guy for a while and get some problems solved.

Oh well.........I have to go in today to get a "check up" on the extraction from yesterday. It seems pretty silly, driving an hour each way so that he can look inside my mouth and say "yup, looks fine" and send me home. Maybe I can con him into doing some fillings while I'm there, or a root canal or two.

Yeah, right.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Gah.... That just sucks so badly.

I will be crossing my fingers that they do get to work up to July or beyond. It seems they should continue to function until the new budget goes into effect. That can't be next week. :/

Hang in there, kid.

Love you