Thursday, March 4, 2010

...And I almost forgot to title this post!

I almost forgot to post the picture of me wearing the AMAZING "Russian Princess" hat that Scout & Megan sent me during last year's chemo sessions. I never had an occasion to wear it then, but I finally did this year, when we took Josh & Cheryl to the Sierra Nevada brewery for lunch.

Anyway, just a quick entry to say that the dermatology seminar yesterday got cancelled, sadly, because the doctor was sick, so I'm rescheduled till the 31st.

Dr. Mazj stopped by to visit me during my Ferrlecit (iron supplement) infusion yesterday, and told me that the bumpies on my head are folliculitis, a chemo side effect. Of course they are. Of course.

I've been zonked out today, spending the day in bed, because every post-infusion day is pretty much a lost cause. I am so tired and so physically drained and out of it, all I can do is lay here, but at least I got some writing caught up on. A few more days of freedom to rest, then next week we see Andy, get labs done, Dr. Mazj, chemo.......but Daddy is coming to take me to chemo, and Dawn is coming after that, so I'm looking forward to the visits. :-)

Here's to a few uneventful quiet days ahead...


Jaime said...

That is one styling hat. And it is so you. *g*

I'm glad Josh got to come visit. That must have rocked.

Expect email from me a little later today.

Love you

Pabs said...

Ah, the other photo on your previous post reminded me to advise, now that you are living the port-ed-life, go into your closet and dig out any sweatshirts/sweaters that are 1/3 zip or front zip, wearing those to your treatments will allow them to get to your port more easily and you will have to fuss less with your clothing. Just trying to make the 'process' go smoother for you :-) Ah, and I did go off the meds because this was the logic: I feel yucky now, but why feel yucky + nasty med side effects too? A fun little exercise in 'how bad do I feel like feeling today'? I probably do NOT reccommend this to you, because your poisions are different than mine, that and you have a few extras (iron shots?) that I didn't have, which probably add to your list of yucky and meds, but I guess I'm like Lloyd in that I didn't want to take any MORE than I already had swimming around in my yes, probably better not to follow my example, for me it was just the difference between yucky and yucky + ;)