Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Little post, BIG news! (even bigger anxiety?!)

Well, this will be short, because it's post-chemo day, which is the 2nd worst energy-day of my current schedule. The worst is the day after my Neulasta shot, which is therefore going to be tomorrow, the 2nd day after chemo. Or sometimes the day after that, when both the chemo AND Neulasta side effects are hitting me full force at the same time. I'm sure you followed that.

ANYway...some semi major news!

I thought I was having 5 chemo cycles in this current group. The first group was 3 cycles, so I was surprised when Dr. Mazj said 4; and even more surprised when the printed appointment calender I was given showed 5, meaning I wouldn't be finished until the end of June. That would have placed my CT somewhere around the 2nd or 3rd week of July, probably just before the kids leave for Mommy's house.

Surprise! Yesterday was my last chemo session for this group. I was shocked when Roni told me that the other two appointments were mistakes, and that this was it. My CT appointment will be somewhere in the next 2-3 weeks, but I don't have the date yet. I'm going to push to get that appointment scheduled immediately, so that I can plan my life accordingly.

It was actually something of a bonus that yesterday turned out to be my last one, because, for the first time in my history, my labs came back with a white cell count too low for chemo by a full 100 points. Since it was the last one, and since I get the Neulasta white-booster shot today anyway, they went ahead with the treatment. Whew. That would have been a whole ton of wasted driving on Dad's part to come up here and drag me up the mountain twice if they hadn't done the treatment.

But, strange as this will sound to some, finding out that I was done with chemo for a bit is actually the most anxiety-provoking thing that could have happened. When we're doing chemo, we're actively attacking... waiting for the CT...then...waiting for the results...and not knowing what will happen after we get said results..........oh, this is the worst possible. It really is.

Depending on the results, any number of things could happen. We could take a break from chemo - for however long. We could change up the chemo drug regimen. We could move to a "maintenance" program - which could be any number of things.

Basically, god only knows.
And we ALL know how well I do with uncertainty.
Resting time now...


Jaime said...

You are much too much like me when it comes to being proactive and moving forward. I'm fine as long as I'm actively doing something.

Waiting for stuff to happen or find out what will happen next drives me nuts. Waiting is the hardest, always.

Alas, waiting is part of the game. Rest while you can. You'll be up to your neck in "stuff" again before you know it.

Love you

Pabs said...

I think the low end of the range was 3.5 and my lowest WBC was 1.5, nice. But the shots didn't play nice with one of my chemo poisons, so no shots and usually no chemo, so then waiting a week, then another...fun, fun. Glad I had so much time to sit and just wait, huh? Also dontcha just love that all these people just casually have all this information that if you had known, would've made your life soooo much better? For you it's these ghost appointments, for me, its all these side effects that they keep on telling me are 'normal'. I just got blood work back yesterday and a buncha them were off the range, too high, too low, I was freaked, and then I go in for them to tell me, this too is 'normal'. Geez, if all this is normal to you people, I'd REALLY hate to see what is NOT normal ;-) Hang in there~P