Saturday, October 2, 2010

The post-chemo ickies!

Well, all hopes to the contrary, the post-chemo ickies have arrived right on schedule, helped out by not only a Neulasta shot but also a combo flu vaccine, leaving me with not just one but TWO sore-as-hell arms.

To put it simply, I don't feel good,at ALL. I can't get the pillows comfortable, the electric-skin syndrome is in full bloom, you name it. All I want right now is to lay down and be comfortable, but the odds of that happening are pretty damned slim. I need more drugs.

Off to squiggle around looking for comfy. I know it's here somewhere!

1 comment:

Pabs said...

I really can say 'I know how you feel', well sorta...but isn't it nice they combined the H1N1 with your flu shot this year? I got moved up the flu shot food chain now that I am considered in the 'high risk' category, I feel so special...I too just got my flu shot Thursday and it feels like someone threw a baseball at my arm! Back here in the bay area, can you believe it was 91 last week, 113 in LA when I left...I'll send a postcard :-) Hang in there, it gets 1% better everyday post chemo!~P