Thursday, January 20, 2011

Aimee starts to regret bringing me to chemo...

So, Aim didn't realize that being blogged was part of the deal when she agreed to drive me chemo this week.

I'll make it up to her somehow. ;-)
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Otherwise, things are all going well. I'm totally recovered from my endocscopy, with just a bit if a sore throat to remind me. I'm NOT looking forward to doing the PREP for the colonoscopy on Monday, but I'll survive. Stay tuned for the news on that one, but I expect a nice boring weekend after chemo, lolling around in side-effect land. Prep on Monday, colonoscopy on Tues, and then I'm taking a week off to recover!!

1 comment:

Auntie said...

Gettin' ya at both ends aren't they! Your chemo room is so big and luxurious compared to the one Lauri goes to. Sometimes I get kicked out to sleep on the reception couch. Or talk to old people. So old that It makes me feel young. I guess that's my own personal chemo side effect.Hearing about the 40's for the 4th time in a month makes me think the 70's weren't that far back.