Saturday, November 21, 2009

First post-op check-up!

Well, I went to see Dr. Davis this week, and he says that all is well with the results of my surgery. All my inside parts are tucked back inside where they belong, and the weakened parts of me have been reinforced with a Goretex mesh lining so that nothing can start escaping again.

I basically knew what was going to be done-- Dr. Pisani drew a little diagram for me. Dr. Davis is high-tech! To explain why I was having really strong pain in a particular area, where I hadn't had pain before, he pulled out his iPhone and zipped through some apps until he found the one with an interactive, full-color cross-section diagram that shows all the mesh attachment points. Way cool.

So basically, I'm healing well, and right on schedule. Two of my little bitty incisions have spots that don't seem to want to close, but that's not unusual for me. The other three are doing great, although they "pull" inside in some very uncomfortable ways. Very. Now that the incision pain has gone away, I'm starting to feel that patch that he sewed into my sacral spine, and it's very painful, but I guess that's to be expected right now, huh?

That's about it-- there isn't a whole lot to report, just that I'm healing well. I'm starting to spend more time downstairs, and going up and down the stairs is a bitch after the muscle aches set in, but it's good for me.

Onward, right? So far, so good.

1 comment:

THE PRINCESS of everything ... said...

good to hear you are on the mend & that there were no suprises with the surgery or recovery!