Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I'm baaaaaack..........

Yup, I'm back! Dr. McCutie Pisani and his friend DaVinci the magical surgery robot with at least 4 arms did a masterful job of tidying up my insides and rigging things into place with guy wires or something.

Surgery went well, and the hotel stay, despite no private room, was as pleasant as any could be. So, it was basically miserable, but that was nobody's fault except MY body's fault!! I had some wonderful visitors who were able to take some time to come see me, even if our visits were unconventional-- Thanks for driving me to Dad's house Dawn & Jeff!!

I'm very sad about the people I wasn't able to see, but it was a pretty unpleasant trip to the bay area with little free time. I will have to go down, get a nice size room, and invited everyone over for a party!

So, I am recovering well, with an assortment of fuzzy four-footed companions at all times, and a very helpful little two-footed one who helps me out with anything I need and then keeps me company to boot!

My poor, long-suffering, darling husband is taking wonderful care of me, keeping the cooler at my bedside stocked with all the important things in life, like Diet Dr. Pepper, G2, and Lunchables, my new meal-in-a-box standard meal. Not the gross kinds like pizza or tacos; the good, old kind with just meat, cheese & crackers.

All in all, I am doing well, trying to get through my mandated week to 10 days of serious rest, walking circles around the room for exercise, taking my naps.

Sadly, what I'm not doing is being on the computer. Did my adorable doctor implant a Luddite transformer or something while they were in there?? I just have no interest in it at all--blogging, facebook, email, anything... I'm sure I'll get back to it soon, but for now, I just have to apologize and promise I'll be back!

I promise I'll be back!
It's naptime now, yay! If you want to find me, send a text, 'k?
I'll see you soon..........................................

1 comment:

THE PRINCESS of everything ... said...

glad to see you have some "screen time" - get better soon. HUGS