Thursday, March 25, 2010

And the CT was good!

There are no new nodules.

The nodules that there are have not grown at all since the last scan.

These are very, VERY, VERY good things!

I have a suspicion that I could not have had such a fantastic CT result today without all of you - and your kids, and your pets, custom running shirts, postcards, gifts, photos, email, text messages, bad jokes, good jokes, hand holding, holding me while I cry or while I just need holding, massages, rubbing my back, hats, scarves, thoughts, prayers, Eeyore, Dumbo, flowers, candy... and so many more things I can never think of them all.

So to all of you - my husband, children, father, brother, aunties, uncles, cousins, sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, brothers & sisters (ESPECIALLY sisters!!), by marriage and DECISION; and I was about to say *friends*...but the I realized there probably isn't anyone left who doesn't fit into one of those other categories...

SO, to all of you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

All the medical details will be on the blog here, as soon as I can get my head around it.

Right now, I am very, very, very tired, and I need to go lay down for a good long time.


Megan said...

Atta girl! You CAN beat this! This proves it!

auntie annie said...

You are an amazing kid !!!(to me, a kid). You CAN beat this, you ARE beating this ! A big WHEW,for you and your dad and brother and mother ! Keep it up, love ya, auntie Annie

Pabs said...

Great! Good news for both of us, just in time for the Summer tour show dates! ;-) Just kidding, about the shows ;)

See what great things happen when they cook you from the inside out? ~P

auntie annie said...

So how ya feeling these days ? Are you done with chemo ? Hope you are just relaxing at home, taking care of yourself. We all know you are a fighter with cancer but you need to be a fighter to ensure you get the rest you need. You just treat yourself as #1 so you can get better and get back to normal...chasing after kids, husband, cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, running errands, etc, etc . Geez...make sure your rest and relaxation takes awhile, with all that in front of you, you need the rest, hee,hee,hee ! You take care of yourself, love ya. Annie