Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tomorrow, tomorrow...

...sometimes is too damned far away!!!!!!!!!

You know all those things that you need to do, that you really, really get to one of these days?

Don't wait. Tomorrow is too far away, because you don't know when you'll end up in the ER with an ex-Navy corpsman turned RN trying to get a line into your installed port, no emergency list in Lloyd's phone, NO emergency info in MY phone, which all my daily meds and doses should be kept. Lloyd, a couple nurses, calling Aimee and finally calling Jamie, my fantastic, amazing neighbor who came running over to the ER to bring my Kindle, where there IS a copy of all of this.

The crazy thing is, I SWEAR I had this all set up under control, but it wasn't. I guarantee that I was the most fun that the Gridley ER has seen in a long time!!

All of this started on Thursday, the day I was supposed to start my next chemo series and I just felt like crap. I cancelled, for the first time ever, and felt like hell all day and night. Lloyd was out taking kids back and forth the Grandmas, but when we got home, I actually begged for the ER. I'm not fond of ER visits, so that tells you a lot.

Once they started getting drugs through, my brain started sloooooowly starting to work, and I was able to think of things to help, like calling Aimee (THANK YOU) and He-Jamie, our neighbor across the street, who has the same phone. (and actually a paramedic, I believe!).

When She-Jamie got to the ER with my Kindle, which has a list in it too, we were able to start solving problems. By that time, I had enough IV narcotics in my that I could think enough to realize I was in narc withdrawal because I'd been barfing, and therefore not taking my medicines. This was the breakthrough of the night.

Got me all back up to my proper levels, didn't find anything else on the urinalysis or xrays, and finally I was damn near conscious. I felt bad dragging everyone out in that weather, but Jamie(s) and Aim--you guys save the day.

I will try and write more, and more often later, but right now I'm falling asleep on the computer. My chemo schedule is all whacked up now, so I don't even know when I'm going in to start up. Now I'm going to fall down, with at least 2, but maybe 3 doggies.

When I wake up, I SWEAR I am going to get all of those emergency things up to date. We could have saved at *least* to hours if I'd had my shit with me last night, and not had to drag my amazing, loving friends all over the place.

I'm damned lucky to have all of you!!!!!!!!!!


Jaime said...

Holy shit...not the kind of thing I want to find when I get home at night.

I guess the bright side is that you gave the ER a lively Friday night. :/

Sleep, feel better.

Love you

auntie Annie said...

Oh Steph, you poor thing. I can't believe what all you have had to go through. I have no special words other than to say; do what your mom says. Sleep, rest, feel better.
Love ya, Annie

Anonymous said...

hope you are doing better now......just rest, sleep and get better

love ya

Pabs said...

I guess this would be a bad time to let you know what's (probably) waiting around the corner for you in where I am presently, a very unpleasant place called RadiationLand? ;-) Yes, rest now, please, I now need to see if I can get my zaps lowered so I won't be reduced to a pile of dust by all this...who did we piss off to deserve this?

Auntie said...

Wow, nothing boring with you is there, I can't go home and leave you for a minute! My poor baby, I hope you have a quiet Easter and that you feel better. Makes me think though that I should also have this list , we will get that done when I come up in May. Thanks to Jamie, you are a doll sweetie!

Stephanie said...

No Auntie, you can't leave me alone for a minute, 'cause the whole time I was in the ER I was wishing you were there! You should have that list by now though- I actually emailed it to you & a bunch of people!! We're keeping copies everywhere.

And I did indeed give the ER folks a fun night...the very cute doctor was quite amused, trust me....LOL

Pabs, sending you an email about RadiationLand...;-)