Monday, April 12, 2010

All quiet...

Well guys, I'm happy to report that the past week + has been nice and quiet.

What's new and noteworthy? It's Auntie's birthday!!! That deserves plenty of attention by itself.

So, Happy Hippo Birdie Two Ewe!!

Otherwise...after recovering from my ER trauma, (and updating that pesky medical info in my phone and elsewhere!!) I went and got my first chemo of the new series last Monday. That went fine, with no *major* side effects. It would have been a lot better had I been able to rest in the days following, but that just wasn't to be.

First thing Tuesday morning I went in for a checkup and Pap test with Dr. Davis. I'm not sure how long it's going to be for the results on that to come back on that, but you'll see it here when I do.

Then, after errands and food, we headed back up to Paradise for my post-chemo Neulasta shot and iron infusion.

Wednesday, it was time to go see Andy for my monthly visit. I had a later-day appointment, and when he came out to get me for my turn, I was sound asleep on the couch with Lloyd! I was really tired...

And by Thursday, I was flat out in bed, where I stayed until Saturday, basically!! Either the chemo or the Neulasta hit me really hard with the side effects this time. Massive, deep bone pain and aches all over the body. It hurt to lift a times, I felt like it hurt to even close my eyes! But, laying still most of the time - with heating pad sometimes and icy packs others - and doing some light yoga to stretch out, is the best therapy and pretty much the only thing I could do.

By Saturday, I was a whole lot more comfortable, so I was able to really enjoy my visit with Dawn that night for pizza, movie and conversation; then Sunday, I got to teach her to knit while we waited for our belated-Easter ham dinner to finish up. Thank you Dawn! I know that I'm not the greatest companion these days, since I have to spend so much of my time sitting still, but these visits really make a huge impact in my morale. I don't have many friends who live close enough or are even *able* to come and visit, so I doubly appreciate the ones who can.

Well, it's Monday night now, and I'm back to being seriously achy and miserable...ah well. That's definitely far from the worst I could feel, so I'm not going to complain! Tomorrow is my iron infusion, and then I have the rest of the week to rest and sleep. I think I'm going to go start working on that right now. ;-)


THE PRINCESS of everything ... said...

at the very least, you have your body figured out enough to DO WHAT IT SAYS .... that's more than many of us have figured out!!

Tif / Halu-Halo said...

i wish that i could come and visit you!!!! :( everytime i pick up the needles to knit i think of you!