Monday, May 10, 2010

Stop it, stop it, stop it!!

Ok, dear readers, we need to get something cleared up around here.

You, my dear and loyal friends, family, and folks who are just somehow interested in my cancer journey, YOU are my support team through this mess. I can't do it without you.

More and more lately, I'm finding out that all y'all are keeping things from me...negative but important things, so as not to [Please circle one or more choices: upset/ bother/ scare/ anger/ concern/ disturb] me as I fight cancer.

To "protect" me, in a nutshell.


I am very interested in what's going on in your life, good, bad and indifferent and I am strong enough to handle hearing about the negative parts of your world.

Living up here, away from almost everyone, I'm physically isolated from everyone but my husband and kids most of the time. It gets lonely. I rely on all of you out there more than you know to keep me up on what's happening out there in my family, your families and the world at large.

I don't want to be protected! I want to L I V E the life that I have left, however long it may be, and not have the regret that I wasn't there for so-and-so when [insert crisis] happened, because I didn't know about it until too late.

Hell, I'd be over the moon if every one of you sent me a three-page letter each week telling me everything that had been happening with you. I realize that's pretty impractical; and lord knows I'd never be able to return them all, but MAN would I be in hog-heaven getting to read them.

I know I need to get on here and post more often...It would help if I had something to post about too. Things right now are pretty monotonous most of the time.

This weekend isn't though: Lloyd is heading down south to visit his Pop, brother and sister-in-law down near Pismo Beach. While he's gone, I'll be tasked with taking care of the kids, dogs, cats, bird and fish, and my Daddy will be taking care of me. Daddy and I always have a good time and it will be fantastic to have him up here. He is exceptional company. :-)

SO . . . I need to post more often, so I will think of bright and witty things to say, and you, all of you will please, please stop sheltering me. I'm bald, I look strange, I barf a lot, and I often have tubes or needles sticking out of me, but it's still ME in there, I promise. You can still talk to me as if I'm a totally normal person.
XOXOXO Hugs, kisses and lots of love to all of you!

PS-- I think my half-inch long hair is falling out again. ::sigh:: I wish it would just make up its mind!!! :-P

1 comment:

darcy said...

Well crap, I don't have any drama to tell you about. Want me to make up stuff? No? Ok. Well, Rose keeps coughing in the other room and waking herself up. Grace had her 5 year check up and got shots and came down with a smidge of a fever. Ummm, Michael is on cloud 9 because the Flyers beat the Bruins in game 7 of the playoffs. I am reading Dr. Oz: YOU on a Diet yet I had Coco Puffs for dinner. Ho hum. ZZZZZZ -Yep, that is my life. Oh wait - I got in a sparring match with Mike Wetzel on fb about why I send my kids to Catholic school even though i am an atheist. And that is all the excitement around here. Sorry i am so boring and have nothing to protect you from.