Monday, June 28, 2010

I learn new things every day

This past week-or-so, I have learned what a Wordle is. And what a meme is. (I always sort of pretended to know what a meme was, but I was never entirely sure.) Wordles are actually rather cool. I can't figure out how to make one of my own and actually paste it into this entry, but oh well.

I've learned that a long solo trip to the grocery store makes me very, very tired. I learned, in just barely the nick of time, that sometimes it's a good idea to answer an emphatic "YES!" and feel no shame when they ask you if you'd like help out to your car with that. I'm learning, slowly, just how useful it really is to park in the disabled spot.

I've learned that I'm secretly very jealous that I couldn't go kayaking too. I'm not at all jealous of the sunburns two of my kids have on their shins. (I SWEAR we tried to sunscreen them from top to bottom...)

And I'm learning just how hard it is to keep up a regular blog when I don't have major medical news to report all the time!! If you'd asked me a few years ago, I would have told you that I'd never have a blog, because I had nothing to say, and especially nothing that anyone would be interested in reading. I certainly didn't want that to change the way it did, having a massive, life-threatening disease to battle and chronicle - but as we all learn at some point, what happens, happens. So now, after something like two years of things I needed to share with all y'al, I'm back to having nothing interesting to say...which is now a very odd feeling.

I have an ingrown toenail. Is that interesting?! No, probably not.

1 comment:

Auntie said...

Well, you know your life is never boring to me but I am family so I guess that makes sense.I kinda like the way things are going, it's a lot less stressful for me when they are not pouring poison in your veins. I just realized today that when I come up on the 3rd it will be for a fun visit and we get to blow things up too! I'm bringing a toy, buy me a cheap two liter soda to use it with. Daddy will love it!