Thursday, June 17, 2010

Status Normal

As promised, here I am! It's not daylight...I kinda missed that...but at least I'm here. Days later, but here.

Things here have been blessedly plain, mainly boring and normal. Normal for us, mind you.

School got out last Friday. The kids leave for their normal summer visit with their mother in mid-July, so they're mostly home until then. The boys are home - We've been busy this week getting things taken care of so Anna can leave on Sunday for a week- Annnnnd, by the time I got back to writing this, she's already almost ready to come HOME from her week of camp.

Anna got accepted - the ONLY person from her school - to attend a prestigious science & math camp at the Sonoma State campus, where she's living in a dorm for a week, attending special classes and projects, and today they were sea kayaking on Tomales Bay, up at Point Reyes. There was a rumor that they might have been visiting the Safari West wildlife preserve too. This is a pretty seriously cool camp. I am way jealous!! If only they'd needed parent chaperones....

So, since I've been trying to write this blog post for well over a week, I think, and not succeeding in getting it posted, I'm going for quick and dirty.

I am fine. Still side effect-y, still amazingly fatigued, but progressing normally. I went in and had my port flushed (apparently I have to do this every 4 to 6 weeks) and got hydrated while I was there. I figure, if we have to make the drive, I might as well get the hydration, because I can always use it. Writing that, I just realized that I haven't had one of my bits where my lips stick to my teeth because I'm so dehydrated - that's a very good sign!!!

I'm going to keep up the hydration though, because Dr. Mazj says I should ask every time I feel like I need it, so it seems kind of silly to drive allllll the way up the mountain and just get the shot and leave.

I'm trying to work on getting some stamina & strength back so I can get out of the house a little more. The cancer center arranged for me to get a wheelchair - but not so I can get wheeled around. Roni told me to use it like a walker, and push the empty chair most of the time; then, when I'm too tired to push anymore, sit down and make someone else push me for a while, then get back up and do it all over again. That actually makes pretty good sense to me, so I'm looking forward to trying it.

The only other item of note is that we're all waiting anxiously for the arrival of our 3rd great-granddaughter, Marley, if she ever decides she wants outta there. Allie is definitely waiting more anxiously than anyone else!!!

That's all folks! As I write this, things are almost downright boring and uneventful around here - absolutely NOTHING worth talking about. I hope all of you are just as lucky!

1 comment:

THE PRINCESS of everything ... said...

KEEP UP recouperating so the timing will be perf that you are in your best shape right after the kids leave!! ha-ha Sounds like you are heading in the right direction so far. XO