Thursday, October 28, 2010

Chemo, chemo AND more happy!

Well the photo-blogger app from my phone didn't really work out so well.

On a brighter note, my Pap test results came in today - 100% NEGATIVE'!!!! Whoo-hoo, again!!!!!!

So far, my week is ending on a very positive note, and I'm very pleased. Tomorrow still involves the extraction of five more teeth, which is less pleasing, but I feel like I can handle it.

A slightly longer and better update, now that i phase time to do so. As I mentioned, there was some growth, 3mm each, in each of two nodules. I want to say that l have eight nodules? Maybe eight. I could be totally wrong there. Regardless, Dr.Mazj feels that a three mm growth is still within acceptable limits.

However, we have questions about the chemo i've been getting this far. The growth has been slow and small, yes, but there has been growth. What if the Taxol hasn't been affecting the nodules at all? It's a real possibility.

SO, after the first of he year, we're going to try a change in meds. We're doing a short cycle (3 wks ) in Nov, so that I'm recovered from chemo in time to have Turkey/Tofurkey Day. Then a four week in Dec leaves me set up great for Christmas. After the first, we'll try some Totecan, which is a once a week one, three weeks on, one off. That will be a bit hectic, but we will give it a shot.

And now...I'm tired. And hungry. So, I'm going to go knit until my Taco Bell delivery arrives, and hopefully get some rest. More soon, I'm quite sure .


Cindi Amador said...

Queen Steph-Oh, did I tell you that's my new name for you? HA! On my blog, on the list of blogs I follow, it simply states "Stephanie Irwin (My Queen)". Anyhoo, 2 pieces of FANTABULOUS news and See's candy? You might have to take an extra nap just to keep up. I am beyond ELATED. Sisterhood love sent your way as usual!

auntie annie said...

Ditto, what they said !!! Wonderful, wonderful news for the most part ! And IMHO you are so totally responsible for these good things because you have the best attitude (most of the time), and you are a very strong person and a world class fighter ! I am so proud of you, keep up the good fight. Love you, Annie