Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Yay!, but changes

Fast fast fast update....two nodules have grown but only a tiny bit - 3mm each. After the new year we're going to try a new treatment plan to see if it keeps them from growing at all.

Gotta run, we're done here, but there is the good news as quick as I can get it out. Gotta love wifi!


Pabs said...

Thanks as always for the update, via txt as well, what did we do before real time updates? ;)

auntie Annie said...

Keep the good news coming girl ! Love you, Annie

Jaime said...

Yay yay and wooooo! I'm so glad. I thought about this the whole time I was at work.

Good news is good. I'd like more of it.

Love you

Auntie said...

Again, what I said in my text! I love you little girl.

Stephanie said...

Boy, Pauline really hit it on the head there. Can you imagine having to convey news like this by hand writing snail letters and sitting down out our corded, rotary dial phones to call one person at a time.... Urgh!!