Sunday, March 27, 2011


Zombies around the world, rejoice!

My brain has been certified clean and tumor free! Yes, I'm as shocked as some of you are.

As I'd posted before, I wasn't supposed to get to know that yet - but, a fantastic chemo nurse happened to notice that the results were in my file, and since they were positive-happy/negative-nothing in there, she called the doctor at his conference to get permission to share them with me in his absence.

She assured me that the rest of the test results (the chest/abdomen/pelvis scan) were not in the file, and most likely would take at least a couple more days. I can deal with that.

I don't actually have another single thing to share right now, but I really don't care. I'm thrilled to have those test results already - and not be waiting until the 31st to find out - and otherwise, I'm just trying to get through the post-chemo ickies. I feel pretty icky. I woke up on my own about an hour early from my nap, and I strongly wish I hadn't. The headache is *bad* and the body aches are absolutely *vicious* AND a certain kitty cat thinks I'm a jungle gym to be walked all over.

Time for some more resting. BOOO for pain, but YAY for a tumor-free brain!


Jaime said...

Let there be dancing in the streets!

And sic the cat on the zombies if they get pushy. *g*

Rest, sweetpea.

Love you

Cindi Amador said...