Friday, March 25, 2011

Wild weather and mundane updates!

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Well, we didn't get quite the exciting tornados and .5" hail that towns within a half hour's drive caught, but it's been interesting around here nonetheless! Yesterday, we were getting wind gusts anywhere up to 70mph, and WE, lucky us, go to go drive around in it.

Our first stop was the dentist, to have my final fitting for my neato new set of teeth. I thought I was taking them home... And when Katie told me I wasn't, I actually almost cried. It's been a very long trip, this dental odyssey. I think I started this back in October - or was it November? Anyway, its been a lomg trip of extractions, filling, root canal-ing, crowns, temporary teeth and impressions, and I am SOOOOOO excited at the thought of being finally done. Being finally done will mean that (after a short -hopefully - acclimation process), I will actually be ale to eat like a normal person again! I might be able to go back to doing things like eating three apples a day, and having carrots for snacks, and making little dishes of warm mixed nuts to munch on, put my popcorn maker back into use.........oh, so many things!

But I have to wait. Almost a whole month more, I have to wait. All of this makes me very sad.

So, next order of business was getting some food before we went up the mountain, into the unknown manifestation of the storm, at the higher altitude. I was really upset after the dentist, didn't feel much like eating, didn't care what I ate, so Lloyd picked Arby's. While we were still waiting to be served, my phone rings - it's the cancer center telling me they have no power. So much for chemo!!

Since our need to hurry was gone, we ditched Arby's, and tried a new Mexican place we'd seen on tv (La Comida, Oroville) and then took me and my piss-poor mood home to bed. I needed that.

Comfy, squishy fuzzy kitty always helps too.
Oliver is my bedroom cat. He takes every chance to snuggle in bed. Then when he's done snuggling he climbs up my pillows and curls up there behind my head, blends in with the stuffed animals and goes to sleep.

Unfortunately, during my nap, I manage to have a big whopping sleepwalking/talking/whatever incident, and Lloyd tells me it was a doozie. That makes me really wonder about a connection between the level of my anxiety and stress & the having of and level of these nocturnal crazy fits. Yesterday I was at least a level 8 or 9 on the scale yesterday, between the teeth and not going to chemo

Ok....on to the important stuff.... Yes, I did have my CT, scanned from pelvis, abdomen, chest and head. I'm going to guess that my neck was somewhere in there too. You could say that I'm a tad nervous about the results.

Not going to chemo meant no possibility of finding out yesterday. I'm rescheduled for this am, but I think my doc is off today. The whole place shuts down early on Fridays.

So, time to go get dressed and enjoy my insanely high level of anxiety and stress!!!!

There is lots more to say here, about many more things, but time was limited and I had to get out the test non-update and such. Besides, I need more time to think.... I will try to write more from chemo, and try to address some of the issues that have been coming up on here.
For now, I'm outta here. 8•)

1 comment:

Pabs said...

I did the same thing, imagine being UPSET because you CAN'T get your chemo?! Yes, folks, it happens! The first time my WBCs weren't high enough, they took my blood that AM, got the low #'s back and told me 'no chemo for you' (sounds like that Seinfeld soup guy...) and after I had 'prepared' myself, stress anxiety and all and I was READY, for them to tell me 'no, come back in a week' then you're left sitting, waiting, now what? I was *ready* dammit. I know how it feels. You feel spared, but at the same time, you just wish it was all 'on schedule'...

And hey, since when is Arby's bad? We stopped on some roadtrip long ago (Tahoe? LA?) and I thought with a little Arby sauce, all of it tasted just fine! ;-)

Hang in there, just as my tests just came back both 'negative', so will yours :-)