Sunday, May 1, 2011

Still hanging in … barely

I'm becoming the worst blogger ever! I don't keep up very well lately, but I also haven't had a •lot• to talk about other than sickness and pain.

Having Auntie, Daddy and Josh come up was a fantastic break from he ordinary. Lloyd and the boys went south to see Pop, and my gang came north to see Anna and I. Just having them HERE was all I needed, even if it is boring for them. I was supposed to be reesting and building up those white cells, so I tried to do just that. Auntie helped a lot with that, making sure I took my naps and sat my ass on the couch more than not. We did, of course, make a trip to the brewery for lunch, which is always the highlight of the trip.

Meanwhile, the main thing I've been doing is being in a lot of pain or feeling sick, which are two topics I really don't like to write about much! They're just oh-so-not-cheery!

Monday, I see Andy, and get my labs done; Tuesday I see Roni and find out if my lab values entitle me to come for chemo on Wednesday, or if I have to get another series of booster shots and start the whole process over again.

Happy happy joy joy!

Otherwise, trying to get out of bed is a challenge most days, 'cause when my feet hit the ground, they suddenly don't seem interested in holding me up. I've been trying to yoga-out some of the worst kinks, but today, it's just as if someone is sticking bamboo skewers into my hip (worst) & various other random parts of my body. I just can't imagine that it's at all interesting to read about someone describing her various aches and pains.

Of course, it's even less interesting to have them! Well, perhaps that's incorrect - it can indeed be interesting, but it is by no means fun!! I'll be damned if I'm going to become one of those (prematurely-) old ladies who does nothing but whine about her aches and pains to anyone she can corner. See, all y'all have he ability to just *CLICK* your way to greener pastures if I get to morose and whiny,

The funny thing is, despite the humongous amount of pain that I'm in, I've also got spring fever something fierce. Lloyd and I have been talking all morning about putting in the front garden (as long as he de-toads it for me first) and putting up my patio swing. I'm just dying to be out in this gorgeous weather, and yet walking to the bathroom is excruciating. Maybe Sparky would like to go for a scooter walk …

So, that's about all. You really haven't missed a single thing! There just hasn't been anything happening. We did take some photos at the Brewery, so I'll have to hit the laptop downstairs and put those up. Otherwise..........pain, dogs, doctors, cats, chemo, naps.... Kinda sounds like fodder for a really bad country song, huh?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK Steph, your house boring? Never! We had a great time!