Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Bunny Day!

I'm so tired that I think it hurts to sleep, much less blog...
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Oops... I was so tired I forgot to even finish the blog post! I'm alive and borderline-well, if manic-insomniac (except between the hours of 4 and 8pm of course) and taking my expensive antibiotics like a good girl while I try to build up enough neutrophils to get chemo in a week and a half.

Note to self, and any interested relatives: Tell me to get labs done Monday or Tuesday.

I know I've been very absent, here, Facebook, and even a certain Scrabble game, but it just seems that I either have too much to do that I HAVE to do, or if I have free time that I plan to use catching up with friends, no matter what time of the day or night, THAT will be the moment I conk out. Like I did before I somehow published this mess of an entry!

So far, I've managed to fall asleep writing this particular entry at least four times by last count. I'm going to finally quit while I'm ahead. Auntie, Dad & Josh are here to keep me company while the guys are on their trip, so I'm happy as a clam!

1 comment:

Cindi Amador said...

Thinking of you. Wishing you rest, sleep, deep REMs and peace. Much love.