Thursday, June 30, 2011

Making fun of others...that's always good clean fun!

If you are so inclined, follow in my footsteps and be rewarded by some true silliness.

Go visit

If the page is working right, Huzzah! View some beautiful photos of one of natures most graceful climbers and leapers.

If it's not, well....a trip through the gallery pages would have you admiring the many, divergent forms the leopard had been taking, until you reached perhaps MY favorite, in the top Left corner of page 5 where the partial caption warns us of a "snarling female leopard..."

OOOOOOOoooooohhhhh, this is the part where it really got funny, and I laughed so much that the puppies thought Mommy had finally lost it. (those few remaining bits left!)

Ahh, we all need a good giggle once in a while.
Someone at NatGeo needs to have a chat with their database folks. That's all I'm saying...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now, don't be cappin' on the DB folks. It's probably a coder's fault. :)

BTW - the resting leopard on page 4 is also amusing. I didn't know they could float on their backs like that.

BTW again - ever clicked on the handicap logo instead of typing in the captcha? very trippy sounds. It also works when creating a new google account. joebob sez checkitout.